Toni Volkmer
Cited by
Cited by
Approximation of multivariate periodic functions by trigonometric polynomials based on rank-1 lattice sampling
L Kämmerer, D Potts, T Volkmer
Journal of Complexity 31 (4), 543-576, 2015
Sparse high-dimensional FFT based on rank-1 lattice sampling
D Potts, T Volkmer
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 41 (3), 713-748, 2016
Worst-case recovery guarantees for least squares approximation using random samples
L Kämmerer, T Ullrich, T Volkmer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.10111, 2019
Tight error bounds for rank-1 lattice sampling in spaces of hybrid mixed smoothness
G Byrenheid, L Kämmerer, T Ullrich, T Volkmer
Numerische Mathematik 136 (4), 993-1034, 2017
Efficient spectral estimation by MUSIC and ESPRIT with application to sparse FFT
D Potts, M Tasche, T Volkmer
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 2, 1, 2016
High-dimensional sparse FFT based on sampling along multiple rank-1 lattices
L Kämmerer, D Potts, T Volkmer
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 51, 225-257, 2021
Approximation of multivariate periodic functions based on sampling along multiple rank-1 lattices
L Kämmerer, T Volkmer
Journal of Approximation Theory 246, 1-27, 2019
Fast and exact reconstruction of arbitrary multivariate algebraic polynomials in Chebyshev form
D Potts, T Volkmer
2015 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA …, 2015
NFFT meets Krylov methods: Fast matrix-vector products for the graph Laplacian of fully connected networks
D Alfke, D Potts, M Stoll, T Volkmer
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 4, 61, 2018
Approximation of multivariate periodic functions by trigonometric polynomials based on sampling along rank-1 lattice with generating vector of Korobov form
L Kämmerer, D Potts, T Volkmer
Journal of Complexity 31 (3), 424-456, 2015
Sparse Harmonic Transforms II: Best -Term Approximation Guarantees for Bounded Orthonormal Product Bases in Sublinear-Time
B Choi, M Iwen, T Volkmer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.09564, 2019
Semi-supervised Learning for Multilayer Graphs Using Diffuse Interface Methods and Fast Matrix Vector Products
K Bergermann, M Stoll, T Volkmer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.05239, 2020
Semi-supervised Learning for Aggregated Multilayer Graphs Using Diffuse Interface Methods and Fast Matrix Vector Products
K Bergermann, M Stoll, T Volkmer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.05239, 2020
Multivariate sparse FFT based on rank-1 Chebyshev lattice sampling
D Potts, T Volkmer
2017 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA …, 2017
A Deterministic Algorithm for Constructing Multiple Rank-1 Lattices of Near-Optimal Size
C Gross, MA Iwen, L Kämmerer, T Volkmer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.09753, 2020
Computational methods for the Fourier analysis of sparse high-dimensional functions
L Kämmerer, S Kunis, I Melzer, D Potts, T Volkmer
Extraction of Quantifiable Information from Complex Systems, 347-363, 2014
A sample efficient sparse FFT for arbitrary frequency candidate sets in high dimensions
L Kämmerer, F Krahmer, T Volkmer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.13053, 2020
Sparse Fourier Transforms on Rank-1 Lattices for the Rapid and Low-Memory Approximation of Functions of Many Variables
C Gross, M Iwen, L Kämmerer, T Volkmer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.09889, 2020
Taylor and rank-1 lattice based nonequispaced fast Fourier transform
T Volkmer
OpenMP parallelization in the NFFT3 library version 3.2
T Volkmer
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Articles 1–20