Andrea Armaroli
Andrea Armaroli
Università di Ferrara, Dipartimento di Ingegneria
確認したメール アドレス: unife.it - ホームページ
Observation of optical undular bores in multiple four-wave mixing
J Fatome, C Finot, G Millot, A Armaroli, S Trillo
Physical Review X 4 (2), 021022, 2014
Tunable Modulational Instability Sidebands via Parametric Resonance in Periodically Tapered Optical Fibers
A Armaroli, F Biancalana
Optics Express 20 (22), 25096-25110, 2012
Rogue solitons in optical fibers: a dynamical process in a complex energy landscape?
A Armaroli, C Conti, F Biancalana
Optica 2 (5), 497-504, 2015
Suppression of transverse instabilities of dark solitons and their dispersive shock waves
A Armaroli, A Fratalocchi, S Trillo
Phys. Rev. A 80 80, 053803, 2009
Heteroclinic structure of parametric resonance in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
M Conforti, A Mussot, A Kudlinski, S Rota Nodari, G Dujardin, S De Biévre, ...
Physical review letters 117 (1), 013901, 2016
Fourth-order dispersion mediated modulation instability in dispersion oscillating fibers
M Droques, A Kudlinski, G Bouwmans, G Martinelli, A Mussot, A Armaroli, ...
Optics Letters 38 (17), 3464-3467, 2013
Oscillatory dynamics in nanocavities with noninstantaneous Kerr response
A Armaroli, S Malaguti, G Bellanca, S Trillo, A de Rossi, S Combrié
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (5), 053816, 2011
Three-dimensional analysis of cylindrical microresonators based on the aperiodic Fourier modal method
A Armaroli, A Morand, P Benech, G Bellanca, S Trillo
JOSA A 25 (3), 667-675, 2008
Suppression and splitting of modulational instability sidebands in periodically tapered optical fibers because of fourth-order dispersion
A Armaroli, F Biancalana
Optics letters 39 (16), 4804-4807, 2014
Nonlinear stage of Benjamin-Feir instability in forced/damped deep-water waves
A Armaroli, D Eeltink, M Brunetti, J Kasparian
Physics of Fluids 30 (1), 2018
Time-reversal focusing of an expanding soliton gas in disordered replicas
A Fratalocchi, A Armaroli, S Trillo
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (5), 053846, 2011
Advancement optimization in multihop wireless networks
M Zorzi, A Armaroli
2003 IEEE 58th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2003-Fall (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Modulational instability due to cross-phase modulation versus multiple four-wave mixing: the normal dispersion regime
A Armaroli, S Trillo
JOSA B 31 (3), 551-558, 2014
Recurrence in the high-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation: A low-dimensional analysis
A Armaroli, M Brunetti, J Kasparian
Physical Review E 96 (1), 012222, 2017
Collective modulation instability of multiple four-wave mixing
A Armaroli, S Trillo
Optics letters 36 (11), 1999-2001, 2011
Observation of modulationally unstable multi-wave mixing
J Fatome, C Finot, A Armaroli, S Trillo
Optics Letters 38 (2), 181-183, 2013
Strong Raman-induced noninstantaneous soliton interactions in gas-filled photonic crystal fibers
MF Saleh, A Armaroli, A Marini, F Biancalana
Optics Letters 40 (17), 4058-4061, 2015
Raman-induced temporal condensed matter physics in gas-filled photonic crystal fibers
MF Saleh, A Armaroli, TX Tran, A Marini, F Belli, A Abdolvand, ...
Optics Express 23 (9), 11879-11886, 2015
Observation of the noise-driven thermalization of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou recurrence in optical fibers
G Vanderhaegen, P Szriftgiser, A Kudlinski, M Conforti, A Armaroli, ...
Physical Review A 106 (3), 033519, 2022
Vector modulational instability induced by parametric resonance in periodically tapered highly-birefringent optical fibers
A Armaroli, F Biancalana
Phys. Rev. A. 87, 063848, 2013
論文 1–20