Deepa Pullanikkatil
Deepa Pullanikkatil
Commonwealth Climate Finance Advisor to Govt of Fiji, based at Office of Prime Minister
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Cited by
Land use/land cover change and implications for ecosystems services in the Likangala River Catchment, Malawi
D Pullanikkatil, LG Palamuleni, TM Ruhiiga
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 93, 96-103, 2016
Impact of land use on water quality in the Likangala catchment, southern Malawi
D Pullanikkatil, LG Palamuleni, TM Ruhiiga
African journal of aquatic science 40 (3), 277-286, 2015
Assessment of land use change in Likangala River catchment, Malawi: A remote sensing and DPSIR approach
D Pullanikkatil, L Palamuleni, T Ruhiiga
Applied Geography 71, 9-23, 2016
Socio-economic impacts of climate change on subsistence communities: Some observations from Lesotho
CH Matarira, D Pullanikkatil, T Kaseke, E Shava, D Manatsa
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 5 (4), 404-417, 2013
Considering the links between non-timber forest products and poverty alleviation
CM Shackleton, D Pullanikkatil
Poverty Reduction Through Non-Timber Forest Products: Personal Stories, 15-28, 2019
Children and wild foods in the context of deforestation in rural Malawi
H Maseko, CM Shackleton, J Nagoli, D Pullanikkatil
Human Ecology 45 (6), 795-807, 2017
Poverty Reduction through Non-Timber Forest Products: Personal Stories
D Pullanikkatil, C Shackleton
Unsustainable trade-offs: Provisioning ecosystem services in rapidly changing Likangala River catchment in southern Malawi
D Pullanikkatil, PJ Mograbi, L Palamuleni, T Ruhiiga, C Shackleton
Environment, Development and Sustainability 22 (2), 1145-1164, 2020
Schistosomiasis prevalence in Zomba, Southern Malawi
D Pullanikkatil, S Mubako, W Phalira, S Chiotha, M Luhanga
African Geographical Review 33 (1), 36-51, 2014
Malawi Stories: mapping an art-science collaborative process
PJ Nicholson, D Dixon, D Pullanikkatil, B Moyo, H Long, B Barrett
Journal of Maps 15 (3), 39-47, 2019
Poverty reduction strategies and non-timber forest products
D Pullanikkatil, CM Shackleton
Poverty reduction through non-timber Forest products: Personal stories, 3-13, 2019
The effects of industrialisation on water quality and livelihoods in Lesotho
D Pullanikkatil, KC Urama
International Journal of Environmental Engineering 3 (2), 175-191, 2011
The cultural significance of plant-fiber crafts in Southern Africa: a comparative study of Eswatini, Malawi, and Zimbabwe
D Pullanikkatil, G Thondhlana, C Shackleton
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 30 (4), 287-303, 2021
Mapping of Provisioning Ecosystems Services in Likangala River Catchment, Zomba, Southern Malawi
D Pullanikkatil
Unpublished PhD Thesis. Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science Campus …, 2014
Plant fibre crafts production, trade and income in Eswatini, Malawi and Zimbabwe
G Thondhlana, D Pullanikkatil, CM Shackleton
Forests 11 (8), 832, 2020
Listening to the stories
D Pullanikkatil, CM Shackleton
Poverty Reduction Through Non-Timber Forest Products: Personal Stories, 153-160, 2019
Linkages between Population
D Pullanikkatil, B Kaneka, W Phalira, C Mkanthama, S Chiotha
Reproductive Health, Gender and Climate Change Adaptation in Malawi, Case …, 2013
Transforming international development
M Perry, D Pullanikkatil
Impact 2019 (9), 30-32, 2019
Advancing Green Economy through Technology Transfer: Experiences from Malawi
D Pullanikkatil, S Mubako, MM Munthali
Southern African Journal of Environmental Education 30, 66-78, 2014
Scientific Validation of Traditional Early Warning Signals for Floods and Drought in Nsanje and Chikwawa Districts, Malawi
W Phalira, F Kossam, C Maliwichi-Nyirenda, G Mphepo, D Pullanikkatil, ...
Socio-Ecological Systems and Decoloniality: Convergence of Indigenous and …, 2023
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Articles 1–20