Jay A. Switzer
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Cited by
Electrochemical deposition of copper (I) oxide films
TD Golden, MG Shumsky, Y Zhou, RA VanderWerf, RA Van Leeuwen, ...
Chemistry of Materials 8 (10), 2499-2504, 1996
Electrodeposition of Crystalline Co3O4A Catalyst for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
JA Koza, Z He, AS Miller, JA Switzer
Chemistry of Materials 24 (18), 3567-3573, 2012
Enantiospecific electrodeposition of a chiral catalyst
JA Switzer, HM Kothari, P Poizot, S Nakanishi, EW Bohannan
Nature 425 (6957), 490-493, 2003
Conversion of electrodeposited Co (OH)< sub> 2</sub> to CoOOH and Co< sub> 3</sub> O< sub> 4</sub>, and comparison of their catalytic activity for the oxygen evolution reaction
YC Liu, JA Koza, JA Switzer
Electrochimica Acta 140, 359-365, 2014
Epitaxial electrodeposition of zinc oxide nanopillars on single-crystal gold
R Liu, AA Vertegel, EW Bohannan, TA Sorenson, JA Switzer
Chemistry of Materials 13 (2), 508-512, 2001
Electrochemical Synthesis of Ceramic Films and Powders.
JA Switzer
American Ceramic Society, 1987
Electrodeposited ceramic single crystals
JA Switzer, MG Shumsky, EW Bohannan
Science 284 (5412), 293-296, 1999
Electrochemical synthesis and sintering of nanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxide powders
Y Zhou, RJ Phillips, JA Switzer
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 78 (4), 981-985, 1995
An electrodeposited inhomogeneous metal-insulator-semiconductor junction for efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation
JC Hill, AT Landers, JA Switzer
Nature Materials 14, 1150-1155, 2015
Deposition of β-Co(OH)2 Films by Electrochemical Reduction of Tris(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) in Alkaline Solution
JA Koza, CM Hull, YC Liu, JA Switzer
Chemistry of Materials 25 (9), 1922-1926, 2013
Spin coating epitaxial films
MV Kelso, NK Mahenderkar, Q Chen, JZ Tubbesing, JA Switzer
Science 364, 166-169, 2019
Electrodeposited ceramic superlattices
JA Switzer, MJ Shane, RJ Phillips
Science 247 (4941), 444-446, 1990
Epitaxial electrodeposition of copper (I) oxide on single-crystal gold (100)
EW Bohannan, MG Shumsky, JA Switzer
Chemistry of materials 11 (9), 2289-2291, 1999
In situ electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of potential oscillations during the electrodeposition of Cu/Cu2O layered nanostructures
EW Bohannan, LY Huang, FS Miller, MG Shumsky, JA Switzer
Langmuir 15 (3), 813-818, 1999
Shape control in epitaxial electrodeposition: Cu2O nanocubes on InP (001)
R Liu, F Oba, EW Bohannan, F Ernst, JA Switzer
Chemistry of materials 15 (26), 4882-4885, 2003
Electrochemical self-assembly of copper/cuprous oxide layered nanostructures
JA Switzer, CJ Hung, LY Huang, ER Switzer, DR Kammler, TD Golden, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 120 (14), 3530-3531, 1998
Molybdenum disulfide nanowires and nanoribbons by electrochemical/chemical synthesis
Q Li, EC Walter, WE Van der Veer, BJ Murray, JT Newberg, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (8), 3169-3182, 2005
Electrochemical deposition and microstructure of copper (I) oxide films
Y Zhou, JA Switzer
Scripta materialia 38 (11), 1731-1738, 1998
Epitaxial lift-off of electrodeposited single-crystal gold foils for flexible electronics
NK Mahenderkar, Q Chen, YC Liu, AR Duchild, S Hofheins, E Chason, ...
Science 355, 1203-1206, 2017
Epitaxial electrodeposition of Fe3O4 thin films on the low-index planes of gold
TA Sorenson, SA Morton, GD Waddill, JA Switzer
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (25), 7604-7609, 2002
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Articles 1–20