Valentino Vranić
Valentino Vranić
Pan-European University, Bratislava, Slovakia
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Reconciling Feature Modeling: A Feature Modeling Metamodel
V Vranić
Proc. of 5th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet …, 2004
Evolution of Web Applications with Aspect-Oriented Design Patterns
M Bebjak, V Vranić, P Dolog
Proc. of ICWE 2007 Workshops, 2nd International Workshop on Adaptation and …, 2007
Drama patterns: extracting and reusing the essence of drama
V Vranić, A Vranić
Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs …, 2019
Symmetric Aspect-Orientation: Some Practical Consequences
J Bálik, V Vranić
In Proc. of NEMARA 2012: International Workshop on Next Generation …, 2012
Integrating Feature Modeling into UML
V Vranić, J Šnirc
Proc. of NODe 2006 (LNI P-88), 3-15, 2006
Multi-paradigm design with feature modeling
V Vranić
Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS) 2 (1), 79-102, 2005
Animating organizational patterns
T Frt'ala, V Vranić
In Proceedings of 8th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human …, 2015
Financial justification for using ci/cd and code analysis for software quality improvement in the automotive industry
P Dakić, V Todorović, V Vranić
2022 IEEE Zooming Innovation in Consumer Technologies Conference (ZINC), 149-154, 2022
A Configurable UML Based Use Case Modeling Metamodel
Ľ Zelinka, V Vranić
Proc. of 1st Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of …, 2009
Towards multi-paradigm software development
V Vranić
Journal of Computing and Information Technology 10 (2), 133-147, 2002
Representing change by aspect
P Dolog, V Vranić, M Bieliková
ACM Sigplan Notices 36 (12), 77-83, 2001
Creating Microservices and using infrastructure as code within the CI/CD for dynamic container creation
T Golis, P Dakić, V Vranić
2022 IEEE 16th International Scientific Conference on Informatics …, 2022
Replacing Object-Oriented Design Patterns with Intrinsic Aspect-Oriented Design Patterns
P Bača, V Vranić
In Proc. of 2nd Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of …, 2011
Treating Pattern Sublanguages as Patterns with an Application to Organizational Patterns
WS Khail, V Vranić
Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, 6, 2017
AspectJ Paradigm Model: A Basis for Multi-Paradigm Design for AspectJ
V Vranić
Proc. of the Third International Conference on Generative and Component …, 2001
Automatic license plate recognition using OpenCV
M Kročka, P Dakić, V Vranić
2022 12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information …, 2022
Mining drama patterns in dramatic situations
P Honíšek, V Vranić
27th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, PLoP, 2020
Growing Organizations with Patterns: Lessons from Drama
V Vranić, A Vranić, WS Khail
Proceedings of the European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2020 …, 2020
Automatic Deployment to Kubernetes Cluster by Applying a New Learning Tool and Learning Processes
T Golis, P Dakić, V Vranić
Proceedings http://ceur-ws. org ISSN 1613, 0073, 2023
Extending parking occupancy detection model for night lighting and snowy weather conditions
M Kročka, P Dakić, V Vranić
2022 IEEE Zooming Innovation in Consumer Technologies Conference (ZINC), 203-208, 2022
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Articles 1–20