Shigehiro NAMIKI
Shigehiro NAMIKI
University of Tokyo, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
確認したメール アドレス: janelia.hhmi.org - ホームページ
The functional organization of descending sensory-motor pathways in Drosophila
S Namiki, MH Dickinson, AM Wong, W Korff, GM Card
Elife 7, e34272, 2018
Optogenetic dissection of descending behavioral control in Drosophila
J Cande, S Namiki, J Qiu, W Korff, GM Card, JW Shaevitz, DL Stern, ...
Elife 7, e34275, 2018
Feature integration drives probabilistic behavior in the Drosophila escape response
CR Von Reyn, A Nern, WR Williamson, P Breads, M Wu, S Namiki, ...
Neuron 94 (6), 1190-1204. e6, 2017
Novel cell-based odorant sensor elements based on insect odorant receptors
H Mitsuno, T Sakurai, S Namiki, H Mitsuhashi, R Kanzaki
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 65, 287-294, 2015
Molecular and neural mechanisms of sex pheromone reception and processing in the silkmoth Bombyx mori
T Sakurai, S Namiki, R Kanzaki
Frontiers in physiology 5, 125, 2014
State-dependent decoupling of sensory and motor circuits underlies behavioral flexibility in Drosophila
JM Ache, S Namiki, A Lee, K Branson, GM Card
Nature neuroscience 22 (7), 1132-1139, 2019
Locally synchronized astrocytes
T Sasaki, N Kuga, S Namiki, N Matsuki, Y Ikegaya
Cerebral cortex 21 (8), 1889-1900, 2011
Speed dependent descending control of freezing behavior in Drosophila melanogaster
R Zacarias, S Namiki, GM Card, ML Vasconcelos, MA Moita
Nature communications 9 (1), 3697, 2018
Information flow through neural circuits for pheromone orientation
S Namiki, S Iwabuchi, P Pansopha Kono, R Kanzaki
Nature communications 5 (1), 5919, 2014
Representation of a mixture of pheromone and host plant odor by antennal lobe projection neurons of the silkmoth Bombyx mori
S Namiki, S Iwabuchi, R Kanzaki
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 194, 501-515, 2008
Comparative neuroanatomy of the lateral accessory lobe in the insect brain
S Namiki, R Kanzaki
Frontiers in physiology 7, 244, 2016
Use of bilateral information to determine the walking direction during orientation to a pheromone source in the silkmoth Bombyx mori
T Takasaki, S Namiki, R Kanzaki
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 198, 295-307, 2012
A systematic nomenclature for the Drosophila ventral nerve cord
S Namiki, JD Armstrong, J Börner, G Card, M Costa, M Dickinson, C Duch, ...
Neuron 107 (6), 1071-1079. e2, 2020
A searchable image resource of Drosophila GAL4 driver expression patterns with single neuron resolution
GW Meissner, A Nern, Z Dorman, GM DePasquale, K Forster, T Gibney, ...
Elife 12, e80660, 2023
The neurobiological basis of orientation in insects: insights from the silkmoth mating dance
S Namiki, R Kanzaki
Current opinion in insect science 15, 16-26, 2016
Pheromone responsiveness threshold depends on temporal integration by antennal lobe projection neurons
M Tabuchi, T Sakurai, H Mitsuno, S Namiki, R Minegishi, T Shiotsuki, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (38), 15455-15460, 2013
Constancy and variability of glomerular organization in the antennal lobe of the silkmoth
T Kazawa, S Namiki, R Fukushima, M Terada, K Soo, R Kanzaki
Cell and tissue research 336, 119-136, 2009
A population of descending neurons that regulates the flight motor of Drosophila
S Namiki, IG Ros, C Morrow, WJ Rowell, GM Card, W Korff, MH Dickinson
Current Biology 32 (5), 1189-1196. e6, 2022
Layer III neurons control synchronized waves in the immature cerebral cortex
S Namiki, H Norimoto, C Kobayashi, K Nakatani, N Matsuki, Y Ikegaya
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (3), 987-1001, 2013
Transforming descending input into behavior: The organization of premotor circuits in the Drosophila Male Adult Nerve Cord connectome
HSJ Cheong, K Eichler, T Stürner, SK Asinof, AS Champion, EC Marin, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.06. 07.543976, 2023
論文 1–20