Rikizo Ikuta
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Cited by
Wide-band quantum interface for visible-to-telecommunication wavelength conversion
R Ikuta, Y Kusaka, T Kitano, H Kato, T Yamamoto, M Koashi, N Imoto
Nature Communications 2, 537, 2011
Frequency-domain hong–ou–mandel interference
T Kobayashi, R Ikuta, S Yasui, S Miki, T Yamashita, H Terai, T Yamamoto, ...
Nature photonics 10 (7), 441-444, 2016
Polarization insensitive frequency conversion for an atom-photon entanglement distribution via a telecom network
R Ikuta, T Kobayashi, T Kawakami, S Miki, M Yabuno, T Yamashita, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1997, 2018
Long-distance single photon transmission from a trapped ion via quantum frequency conversion
T Walker, K Miyanishi, R Ikuta, H Takahashi, S Vartabi Kashanian, ...
Physical review letters 120 (20), 203601, 2018
Experimental time-reversed adaptive Bell measurement towards all-photonic quantum repeaters
Y Hasegawa, R Ikuta, N Matsuda, K Tamaki, HK Lo, T Yamamoto, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 378, 2019
High-fidelity conversion of photonic quantum information to telecommunication wavelength with superconducting single-photon detectors
R Ikuta, H Kato, Y Kusaka, S Miki, T Yamashita, H Terai, M Fujiwara, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (1), 010301, 2013
Frequency comb generation in a quadratic nonlinear waveguide resonator
R Ikuta, M Asano, R Tani, T Yamamoto, N Imoto
Optics express 26 (12), 15551-15558, 2018
Anomalous time delays and quantum weak measurements in optical micro-resonators
M Asano, KY Bliokh, YP Bliokh, AG Kofman, R Ikuta, T Yamamoto, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13488, 2016
Distillation of photon entanglement using a plasmonic metamaterial
M Asano, M Bechu, M Tame, Ş Kaya Özdemir, R Ikuta, DÖ Güney, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 18313, 2015
Stimulated Brillouin scattering and Brillouin-coupled four-wave-mixing in a silica microbottle resonator
M Asano, Y Takeuchi, SK Ozdemir, R Ikuta, L Yang, N Imoto, T Yamamoto
Optics express 24 (11), 12082-12092, 2016
Frequency down-conversion of 637 nm light to the telecommunication band for non-classical light emitted from NV centers in diamond
R Ikuta, T Kobayashi, S Yasui, S Miki, T Yamashita, H Terai, M Fujiwara, ...
Optics express 22 (9), 11205-11214, 2014
High-fidelity entanglement swapping and generation of three-qubit GHZ state using asynchronous telecom photon pair sources
Y Tsujimoto, M Tanaka, N Iwasaki, R Ikuta, S Miki, T Yamashita, H Terai, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1446, 2018
Observation of optomechanical coupling in a microbottle resonator
M Asano, Y Takeuchi, W Chen, ŞK Özdemir, R Ikuta, N Imoto, L Yang, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 10 (4), 603-611, 2016
Blind quantum computation over a collective-noise channel
Y Takeuchi, K Fujii, R Ikuta, T Yamamoto, N Imoto
Physical Review A 93 (5), 052307, 2016
Optimal local expansion of states using linear optics and Fock states
R Ikuta, T Tashima, T Yamamoto, M Koashi, N Imoto
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (1), 012314, 2011
Frequency-multiplexed photon pairs over 1000 modes from a quadratic nonlinear optical waveguide resonator with a singly resonant configuration
R Ikuta, R Tani, M Ishizaki, S Miki, M Yabuno, H Terai, N Imoto, ...
Physical review letters 123 (19), 193603, 2019
Quantum key distribution with setting-choice-independently correlated light sources
A Mizutani, G Kato, K Azuma, M Curty, R Ikuta, T Yamamoto, N Imoto, ...
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 8, 2019
Heralded single excitation of atomic ensemble via solid-state-based telecom photon detection
R Ikuta, T Kobayashi, K Matsuki, S Miki, T Yamashita, H Terai, ...
Optica 3 (11), 1279-1284, 2016
Mach-Zehnder interferometer using frequency-domain beamsplitter
T Kobayashi, D Yamazaki, K Matsuki, R Ikuta, S Miki, T Yamashita, ...
Optics Express 25 (10), 12052-12060, 2017
Security of quantum key distribution with light sources that are not independently and identically distributed
Y Nagamatsu, A Mizutani, R Ikuta, T Yamamoto, N Imoto, K Tamaki
Physical Review A 93 (4), 042325, 2016
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Articles 1–20