Yves Perriard
Yves Perriard
Professeur EPFL
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An autonomous untethered fast soft robotic insect driven by low-voltage dielectric elastomer actuators
X Ji, X Liu, V Cacucciolo, M Imboden, Y Civet, A El Haitami, S Cantin, ...
Science Robotics 4 (37), eaaz6451, 2019
Very-high-speed slotless permanent-magnet motors: Analytical modeling, optimization, design, and torque measurement methods
PD Pfister, Y Perriard
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 57 (1), 296-303, 2009
Contactless power and information transmission
T Bieler, M Perrottet, V Nguyen, Y Perriard
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 38 (5), 1266-1272, 2002
Untethered feel‐through haptics using 18‐µm thick dielectric elastomer actuators
X Ji, X Liu, V Cacucciolo, Y Civet, A El Haitami, S Cantin, Y Perriard, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (39), 2006639, 2021
Optimization design of a segmented Halbach permanent-magnet motor using an analytical model
M Markovic, Y Perriard
IEEE transactions on magnetics 45 (7), 2955-2960, 2009
Slotless permanent-magnet machines: General analytical magnetic field calculation
PD Pfister, Y Perriard
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 47 (6), 1739-1752, 2011
Reducing the cogging torque in brushless DC motors by using conformal mappings
M Markovic, M Jufer, Y Perriard
IEEE transactions on magnetics 40 (2), 451-455, 2004
A dual-topology ICPT applied to an electric vehicle battery charger
C Auvigne, P Germano, D Ladas, Y Perriard
2012 XXth International Conference on Electrical Machines, 2287-2292, 2012
Force and torque analytical models of a reaction sphere actuator based on spherical harmonic rotation and decomposition
L Rossini, O Chételat, E Onillon, Y Perriard
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 18 (3), 1006-1018, 2012
Analytical solution for rotor eddy-current losses in a slotless permanent-magnet motor: The case of current sheet excitation
M Markovic, Y Perriard
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (3), 386-393, 2008
Optimization of electric motor for a solar airplane application
P Ragot, M Markovic, Y Perriard
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 42 (4), 1053-1061, 2006
Design of a contactless energy-transfer system for desktop peripherals
P Meyer, P Germano, M Markovic, Y Perriard
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 47 (4), 1643-1651, 2011
fMRI compatible haptic interface actuated with traveling wave ultrasonic motor
M Flueckiger, M Bullo, D Chapuis, R Gassert, Y Perriard
Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2005 Industry …, 2005
Development of a hybrid MEMS BLDC micromotor
S Merzaghi, C Koechli, Y Perriard
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 47 (1), 3-11, 2010
Simplified design methodology for a slotless brushless DC motor
M Markovic, Y Perriard
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42 (12), 3842-3846, 2006
An analytical determination of eddy-current losses in a configuration with a rotating permanent magnet
M Markovic, Y Perriard
IEEE transactions on magnetics 43 (8), 3380-3386, 2007
Rotor design optimization for a reaction sphere actuator
L Rossini, S Mingard, A Boletis, E Forzani, E Onillon, Y Perriard
IEEE Transactions on industry applications 50 (3), 1706-1716, 2013
Theoretical and experimental investigation of flex-PCB air-gap windings in slotless BLDC machines
B Dehez, F Baudart, M Markovic, Y Perriard
IEEE transactions on industry applications 50 (5), 3153-3160, 2014
A simplified determination of the permanent magnet (PM) eddy current losses due to slotting in a PM rotating motor
M Markovic, Y Perriard
2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 309-313, 2008
Determination of tooth cogging force in a hard-disk brushless DC motor
M Markovic, M Jufer, Y Perriard
IEEE transactions on magnetics 41 (12), 4421-4426, 2005
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