Pritam Chakraborty
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Cited by
Computational Methods for Microstructure-Property Relationships
S Ghosh, M Anahid, P Chakraborty
Springer, 2011
Multi-scale modeling of microstructure dependent intergranular brittle fracture using a quantitative phase-field based method
P Chakraborty, Y Zhang, MR Tonks
Computational Materials Science 113, 38-52, 2016
Microstructure and load sensitive fatigue crack nucleation in Ti-6242 using accelerated crystal plasticity FEM simulations
S Ghosh, P Chakraborty
International Journal of Fatigue 48, 231-246, 2013
Wavelet transformation based multi-time scaling method for crystal plasticity FE simulations under cyclic loading
DS Joseph, P Chakraborty, S Ghosh
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (33-36), 2177-2194, 2010
Magic auxeticity angle of graphene
J Hou, B Deng, H Zhu, Y Lan, Y Shi, S De, L Liu, P Chakraborty, F Gao, ...
Carbon 149, 350-354, 2019
Automatic determination of parting directions, parting lines and surfaces for two-piece permanent molds
P Chakraborty, NV Reddy
journal of materials processing technology 209 (5), 2464-2476, 2009
A phase-field approach to model multi-axial and microstructure dependent fracture in nuclear grade graphite
P Chakraborty, P Sabharwall, MC Carroll
Journal of Nuclear Materials 475, 200-208, 2016
Modeling the influence of bubble pressure on grain boundary separation and fission gas release
P Chakraborty, MR Tonks, G Pastore
Journal of Nuclear Materials 452 (1-3), 95-101, 2014
On the plastic driving force of grain boundary migration: A fully coupled phase field and crystal plasticity model
L Zhao, P Chakraborty, MR Tonks, I Szlufarska
Computational Materials Science 128, 320-330, 2017
Accelerating cyclic plasticity simulations using an adaptive wavelet transformation based multitime scaling method
P Chakraborty, S Ghosh
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 93 (13), 1425-1454, 2013
Deformation characteristics of glass‐filled epoxy composite under compression: Role of filler shape and volume fraction
SS Singh, P Chakraborty, R Kitey
Polymer Composites 40 (12), 4726-4741, 2019
A unified cohesive zone approach to model the ductile to brittle transition of fracture toughness in reactor pressure vessel steels
P Chakraborty, SB Biner
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 131, 194-209, 2014
Effect of notch severity and crystallographic texture on local deformation and damage in commercially pure titanium
VK Sahu, M Yadava, P Chakraborty, NP Gurao
International Journal of Plasticity 155, 103318, 2022
Crystal plasticity modeling of irradiation effects on flow stress in pure-iron and iron-copper alloys
P Chakraborty, SB Biner
Mechanics of Materials 101, 71-80, 2016
Assessment of MARMOT. A Mesoscale Fuel Performance Code
MR Tonks, D Schwen, Y Zhang, P Chakraborty, X Bai, B Fromm, J Yu, ...
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2015
Wavelet decomposed dual-time scale crystal plasticity FE model for analyzing cyclic deformation induced crack nucleation in polycrystals
M Anahid, P Chakraborty, DS Joseph, S Ghosh
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 17 (6), 064009, 2009
Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program Grizzly Year-End Progress Report
B Spencer, Y Zhang, P Chakraborty, SB Biner, M Backman, B Wirth, ...
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), 2013
Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program Grizzly Year-End Progress Report
B Spencer, Y Zhang, P Chakraborty, SB Biner, M Backman, B Wirth, ...
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), 2013
Wavelet transformation based multi-time scale crystal plasticity FEM for cyclic deformation in titanium alloys under dwell load
P Chakraborty, DS Joseph, S Ghosh
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (6), 610-618, 2011
Influence of Scanning and Building Strategies on the Deformation Behavior of Additively Manufactured AlSi10Mg: CPFEM and Finite Element Studies
A Chakrabarty, P Chakraborty, R Jain, VK Sahu, NP Gurao, HN Bar, ...
Metals and Materials International, 1-31, 2023
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Articles 1–20