Jeremy Danna
Jeremy Danna
CLLE, CNRS & Université de Toulouse
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Developmental coordination disorder and dysgraphia: Signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and rehabilitation
M Biotteau, J Danna, É Baudou, F Puyjarinet, JL Velay, JM Albaret, ...
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 1873-1885, 2019
From micrographia to Parkinson's disease dysgraphia
A Letanneux, J Danna, JL Velay, F Viallet, S Pinto
Movement Disorders 29 (12), 1467-1475, 2014
Motor control of handwriting in the developing brain: A review
S Palmis, J Danna, JL Velay, M Longcamp
Developmental Dysgraphia, 123-140, 2019
Self-control of task difficulty during training enhances motor learning of a complex coincidence-anticipation task
M Andrieux, J Danna, B Thon
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 83 (1), 27-35, 2012
Basic and supplementary sensory feedback in handwriting
J Danna, JL Velay
Frontiers in psychology 6, 169, 2015
Signal-to-Noise velocity peaks difference: A new method for evaluating the handwriting movement fluency in children with dysgraphia
J Danna, V Paz-Villagrán, JL Velay
Research in developmental disabilities 34 (12), 4375-4384, 2013
The effect of real-time auditory feedback on learning new characters
J Danna, M Fontaine, V Paz-Villagrán, C Gondre, E Thoret, M Aramaki, ...
Human movement science 43, 216-228, 2015
Lifts and stops in proficient and dysgraphic handwriting
V Paz-Villagrán, J Danna, JL Velay
Human movement science 33, 381-394, 2014
On the auditory-proprioception substitution hypothesis: movement sonification in two deafferented subjects learning to write new characters
J Danna, JL Velay
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 137, 2017
Musical sonification improves motor control in Parkinson's disease: a proof of concept with handwriting
L Véron-Delor, S Pinto, A Eusebio, JP Azulay, T Witjas, JL Velay, J Danna
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1465, 132-145, 2020
Handwriting movement sonification for the rehabilitation of dysgraphia
J Danna, JL Velay, V Vietminh, A Capel, C Petroz, C Gondre, E Thoret, ...
10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research …, 2013
On the neural basis of sensory weighting: Alpha, beta and gamma modulations during complex movements
N Lebar, J Danna, S Moré, L Mouchnino, J Blouin
Neuroimage 150, 200-212, 2017
Digitalized spiral drawing in Parkinson’s disease: A tool for evaluating beyond the written trace
J Danna, JL Velay, A Eusebio, L Véron-Delor, T Witjas, JP Azulay, S Pinto
Human movement science 65, 80-88, 2019
Coordination dynamics of elliptic shape drawing: Effects of orientation and eccentricity
J Danna, S Athčnes, PG Zanone
Human movement science 30 (4), 698-710, 2011
“Let me hear your handwriting!” Evaluating the movement fluency from its sonification
J Danna, V Paz-Villagrán, C Gondre, M Aramaki, R Kronland-Martinet, ...
PloS one 10 (6), e0128388, 2015
Motor coordination dynamics underlying graphic motion in 7-to 11-year-old children
J Danna, F Enderli, S Athčnes, PG Zanone
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 111 (1), 37-51, 2012
Movement sonification for the diagnosis and the rehabilitation of graphomotor disorders
J Danna, V Paz-Villagrán, A Capel, C Pétroz, C Gondre, S Pinto, E Thoret, ...
Sound, Music, and Motion: 10th International Symposium, CMMR 2013, Marseille …, 2014
A prospective behavioral and imaging study exploring the impact on long-term memory of radiotherapy delivered for a brain tumor in childhood and adolescence
E Baudou, J Pariente, P Péran, F Tensaouti, L Pollidoro, D Meligne, ...
Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 33, 7-14, 2022
The optimal viewing position effect in printed versus cursive words: Evidence of a reading cost for the cursive font
J Danna, D Massendari, B Furnari, S Ducrot
Acta psychologica 188, 110-121, 2018
Dysgraphies et rééducation psychomotrice: Données actuelles
R Soppelsa, CM Abizeid, A Chéron, A Laurent, J Danna, JM Albaret
Les Entretiens de Bichat 8, 2016
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Articles 1–20