Guanghui Zhang 张光辉
Guanghui Zhang 张光辉
Liaoning Normal University, China
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Cited by
Enhanced inhibitory control during re-engagement processing in badminton athletes: An event-related potential study
J Chen, Y Li, G Zhang, X Jin, Y Lu, C Zhou
Journal of sport and health science 8 (6), 585-594, 2019
One-dimensional convolutional neural networks combined with channel selection strategy for seizure prediction using long-term intracranial EEG
X Wang, G Zhang, Y Wang, L Yang, Z Liang, F Cong
International journal of neural systems 32 (02), 2150048, 2022
Variations in ERP data quality across paradigms, participants, and scoring procedures
G Zhang, SJ Luck
Psychophysiology 60 (7), e14264, 2023
Objective Extraction of Evoked Event‐Related Oscillation from Time‐Frequency Representation of Event‐Related Potentials
G Zhang, X Li, F Cong
Neural Plasticity 2020 (1), 8841354, 2020
Optimal filters for ERP research II: Recommended settings for seven common ERP components
G Zhang, DR Garrett, SJ Luck
Psychophysiology, e14530, 2024
Negative emotional state slows down movement speed: behavioral and neural evidence
X Li, G Zhang, C Zhou, X Wang
PeerJ 7, e7591, 2019
Optimal filters for ERP research I: A general approach for selecting filter settings
G Zhang, DR Garrett, SJ Luck
Psychophysiology, e14531, 2024
Multi-domain features of the non-phase-locked component of interest extracted from ERP data by tensor decomposition
G Zhang, C Zhang, S Cao, X Xia, X Tan, L Si, C Wang, X Wang, C Zhou, ...
Brain topography 33, 37-47, 2020
Anger weakens behavioral inhibition selectively in contact athletes
X Xia, G Zhang, X Wang
Frontiers in human neuroscience 12, 463, 2018
Effect of parametric variation of center frequency and bandwidth of morlet wavelet transform on time-frequency analysis of event-related potentials
G Zhang, L Tian, H Chen, P Li, T Ristaniemi, H Wang, H Li, H Chen, ...
Proceedings of 2017 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference: Volume I, 693-702, 2018
Assessing the effectiveness of spatial PCA on SVM-based decoding of EEG data
G Zhang, CD Carrasco, K Winsler, B Bahle, F Cong, SJ Luck
NeuroImage 293, 120625, 2024
Single-trial-based temporal principal component analysis on extracting event-related potentials of interest for an individual subject
G Zhang, X Li, Y Lu, T Tiihonen, Z Chang, F Cong
Journal of neuroscience methods 385, 109768, 2023
Hand‐related action words impair action anticipation in expert table tennis players: Behavioral and neural evidence
Y Wang, Q Ji, R Fu, G Zhang, Y Lu, C Zhou
Psychophysiology 59 (1), e13942, 2022
Evaluating the effectiveness of artifact correction and rejection in event‐related potential research
G Zhang, DR Garrett, AM Simmons, JE Kiat, SJ Luck
Psychophysiology, e14511, 2024
A facilitatory effect of perceptual incongruity on target-source matching in pictorial metaphors of chinese advertising: EEG evidence
S Cao, Y Wang, H Wang, H Chen, G Zhang, A Kritikos
Advances in cognitive psychology 16 (1), 1, 2020
Behavioral and brain reactivity associated with drug-related and non-drug-related emotional stimuli in methamphetamine addicts
X Li, Y Zhou, G Zhang, Y Lu, C Zhou, H Wang
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 894911, 2022
Dynamic impact of intelligence on verbal-humor processing: evidence from ERPs and EROs
X Li, J Sun, H Wang, Q Xu, G Zhang, X Wang
Journal of Neurolinguistics 62, 101057, 2022
Nudge for justice: An ERP investigation of default effects on trade-offs between equity and efficiency
J Yu, Y Wang, J Yu, G Zhang, F Cong
Neuropsychologia 149, 107663, 2020
Methods to extract multi-dimensional features of event-related brain activities from EEG data
G Zhang
JYU dissertations, 2021
Brain Evoked Response Qualification Using Multi-set Consensus Clustering: Toward Single-trial EEG Analysis
R Mahini, G Zhang, T Parviainen, R Düsing, AK Nandi, F Cong, ...
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