Teppo Hiltunen
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Cited by
Antibiotic resistance in the wild: an eco-evolutionary perspective
T Hiltunen, M Virta, AL Laine
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Consumer co-evolution as an important component of the eco-evolutionary feedback
T Hiltunen, L Becks
Nature communications 5 (1), 5226, 2014
A newly discovered role of evolution in previously published consumer–resource dynamics
T Hiltunen, NG Hairston Jr, G Hooker, LE Jones, SP Ellner
Ecology letters 17 (8), 915-923, 2014
Ecology determines how low antibiotic concentration impacts community composition and horizontal transfer of resistance genes
J Cairns, L Ruokolainen, J Hultman, M Tamminen, M Virta, T Hiltunen
Communications biology 1 (1), 35, 2018
Predation on multiple trophic levels shapes the evolution of pathogen virulence
VP Friman, C Lindstedt, T Hiltunen, J Laakso, J Mappes
PloS one 4 (8), e6761, 2009
Availability of prey resources drives evolution of predator–prey interaction
VP Friman, T Hiltunen, J Laakso, V Kaitala
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1643), 1625-1633, 2008
High temperature and bacteriophages can indirectly select for bacterial pathogenicity in environmental reservoirs
VP Friman, T Hiltunen, M Jalasvuori, C Lindstedt, E Laanto, AM Örmälä, ...
PloS one 6 (3), e17651, 2011
Newly isolated Nodularia phage influences cyanobacterial community dynamics
SE Coloma, A Dienstbier, DH Bamford, K Sivonen, E Roine, T Hiltunen
Environmental microbiology 19 (1), 273-286, 2017
Environmental fluctuations restrict eco-evolutionary dynamics in predator–prey system
T Hiltunen, GB Ayan, L Becks
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1808), 20150013, 2015
Sublethal streptomycin concentrations and lytic bacteriophage together promote resistance evolution
J Cairns, L Becks, M Jalasvuori, T Hiltunen
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Dual-stressor selection alters eco-evolutionary dynamics in experimental communities
T Hiltunen, J Cairns, J Frickel, M Jalasvuori, J Laakso, V Kaitala, S Künzel, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (12), 1974-1981, 2018
Construction and characterization of synthetic bacterial community for experimental ecology and evolution
J Cairns, R Jokela, J Hultman, M Tamminen, M Virta, T Hiltunen
Frontiers in genetics 9, 312, 2018
Dynamical trade-offs arise from antagonistic coevolution and decrease intraspecific diversity
W Huang, A Traulsen, B Werner, T Hiltunen, L Becks
Nature Communications 8 (1), 2059, 2017
Conjugation is necessary for a bacterial plasmid to survive under protozoan predation
J Cairns, M Jalasvuori, V Ojala, M Brockhurst, T Hiltunen
Biology letters 12 (2), 20150953, 2016
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in a three-species food web with intraguild predation: intriguingly complex
T Hiltunen, SP Ellner, G Hooker, LE Jones, NG Hairston Jr
Advances in Ecological Research 50, 41-73, 2014
Temporal dynamics of a simple community with intraguild predation: an experimental test
T Hiltunen, LE Jones, SP Ellner, NG Hairston Jr
Ecology 94 (4), 773-779, 2013
Repeatable ecological dynamics govern the response of experimental communities to antibiotic pulse perturbation
J Cairns, R Jokela, L Becks, V Mustonen, T Hiltunen
Nature Ecology & Evolution 10 (4), 1385–1394, 2020
Competition between a toxic and a non-toxic Microcystis strain under constant and pulsed nitrogen and phosphorus supply
S Suominen, VS Brauer, A Rantala-Ylinen, K Sivonen, T Hiltunen
Aquatic ecology 51, 117-130, 2017
Evolutionary contribution to coexistence of competitors in microbial food webs
T Hiltunen, V Kaitala, J Laakso, L Becks
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1864), 20170415, 2017
Mixotrophy and the toxicity of Ochromonas in pelagic food webs
T Hiltunen, A Barreiro, NG Hairston Jr
Freshwater Biology 57 (11), 2262-2271, 2012
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Articles 1–20