Taku Hasegawa
Cited by
Cited by
Adaptive control of parameter-less population pyramid on the local distribution of inferior individuals
K Inoue, T Hasegawa, Y Araki, N Mori, K Matsumoto
Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary c, 2015
Relaxation method of convolutional neural networks for natural language processing
R Iwasaki, T Hasegawa, N Mori, K Matsumoto
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 15th International c, 2019
Cma-es with surrogate model adapting to fitness landscape
K Tsukada, T Hasegawa, N Mori, K Matsumoto
Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems: The 20th Asia Pacific Symposium, IES c, 2017
Novel virtual fitness evaluation framework for fitness landscape learning evolutionary computation
T Hasegawa, K Matsumura, K Tsuchie, N Mori, K Matsumoto
Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2014 Annual Conference on c, 2014
Estimating Optimal Values for Intentional-Value-Substitution Learning
T Fukushima, T Hasegawa, T Nakashima
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: 16th International c, 2019
Genetic programming with multi-layered population structure
T Hasegawa, N Mori, K Matsumoto
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion c, 2017
The convolutional neural network model based on an evolutionary approach for interactive picture book
S Fujino, T Hasegawa, M Ueno, N Mori, K Matsumoto
Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems: The 20th Asia Pacific Symposium, IES c, 2017
Analyzing exploration exploitation trade-off by means of PI similarity index and dictyostelium based genetic algorithm
K Inoue, T Hasegawa, N Mori, K Matsumoto
2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2548-2555, 2015
Analysis of Parameter-Less Population Pyramid on the Local Distribution of Inferior Individuals
T Hasegawa, Y Araki, N Mori, K Matsumoto
Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems: The 20th Asia Pacific Symposium, IES c, 2017
Search dynamics of fitness landscape learning evolutionary computation with two types of evolution control
T Hasegawa, N Mori, T Kento, K Matsumoto
2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2565-2572, 2015
Optimal Value Estimation of Intentional-Value-Substitution for Learning Regression Models
T Fukushima, T Nakashima, T Hasegawa, V Torra
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics c, 2021
A Study on a Parallelization of Parameter-Less Population Pyramid
T Hasegawa, T Nakashima
2018 Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent c, 2018
Relaxation Method of Convolutional Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing
N Mori, R Iwasaki, K Matsumoto, T Hasegawa
(No Title), 2018
Genetic Programming with Multi-Layered Population Structure for Software Evolution
T Hasegawa, N Mori, K Matsumoto
New Trends in Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, 57-70, 2018
Analysis of scaling for fitness landscape learning evolutionary computation based on CMA-ES
N Mori, T Hasegawa, K Tsukada, K Matsumoto
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion c, 2017
Adaptive Evolution Control with PI Similarity Index for Surrogate-assisted Evolutionary Computation
T Hasegawa, K Tsukada, N Mori, K Matsumoto
Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 Annual Conference on c, 2015
‹@ŠBŠwKƒAƒ‹ƒSƒŠƒYƒ€‚𓱓ό‚΅‚½“K‰ž“xŒiŠΟ„’θŒ^i‰»Œ^ŒvŽZ‚Μ’ρˆΔ; ‹@ŠBŠwKƒAƒ‹ƒSƒŠƒYƒ€‚𓱓ό‚΅‚½“K‰ž“xŒiŠΟ„’θŒ^i‰»Œ^ŒvŽZ‚Μ’ρˆΔ; Machine Learning Algorithm for the Fitness Landscape c
T Hasegawa, N Mori, K Matsumoto
Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers c, 2015
Morphological Study of First Trimester Placenta by Ultrasonography
T Hasegawa, T Fukushima
“ϊ–{ŽY‰Θ•wl‰Θ›{˜π袎 39 (8), 1415, 1987
A Study on Intentional-Value-Substitution Training for Regression with Incomplete Information
T Fukushima, T Nakashima, T Hasegawa, V Torra
ICML Workshop on the Art of Learning with Missing Values (Artemiss), 0
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Articles 1–19