Wenbin Fu
Highly flexible freestanding porous carbon nanofibers for electrodes materials of high-performance all-carbon supercapacitors
Y Liu, J Zhou, L Chen, P Zhang, W Fu, H Zhao, Y Ma, X Pan, Z Zhang, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (42), 23515-23520, 2015
Construction of hierarchical ZnCo2O4@ NixCo2x(OH)6x core/shell nanowire arrays for high-performance supercapacitors
W Fu, Y Wang, W Han, Z Zhang, H Zha, E Xie
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (1), 173-182, 2016
Cobalt sulfide nanosheets coated on NiCo2S4 nanotube arrays as electrode materials for high-performance supercapacitors
W Fu, C Zhao, W Han, Y Liu, H Zhao, Y Ma, E Xie
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (19), 10492-10497, 2015
Toward efficient photoelectrochemical water-splitting by using screw-like SnO2 nanostructures as photoanode after being decorated with CdS quantum dots
Z Zhang, C Gao, Z Wu, W Han, Y Wang, W Fu, X Li, E Xie
Nano Energy 19, 318-327, 2016
Hierarchical fabric decorated with carbon nanowire/metal oxide nanocomposites for 1.6 V wearable aqueous supercapacitors
W Fu, E Zhao, X Ren, A Magasinski, G Yushin
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (18), 1703454, 2018
Iron Fluoride–Carbon Nanocomposite Nanofibers as Free‐Standing Cathodes for High‐Energy Lithium Batteries
W Fu, E Zhao, Z Sun, X Ren, A Magasinski, G Yushin
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (32), 1801711, 2018
In situ synthesis of CoSx@ carbon core-shell nanospheres decorated in carbon nanofibers for capacitor electrodes with superior rate and cycling performances
Y Liu, J Zhou, W Fu, P Zhang, X Pan, E Xie
Carbon 114, 187-197, 2017
Materials and technologies for multifunctional, flexible or integrated supercapacitors and batteries
W Fu, K Turcheniuk, O Naumov, R Mysyk, F Wang, M Liu, D Kim, X Ren, ...
Materials Today 48, 176-197, 2021
Facile hydrothermal synthesis of flowerlike ZnCo2O4 microspheres as binder-free electrodes for supercapacitors
W Fu, X Li, C Zhao, Y Liu, P Zhang, J Zhou, X Pan, E Xie
Materials Letters 149, 1-4, 2015
Nanostructured CuS networks composed of interconnected nanoparticles for asymmetric supercapacitors
W Fu, W Han, H Zha, J Mei, Y Li, Z Zhang, E Xie
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24471--24476, 2016
Enhanced charge separation and transfer through Fe2O3/ITO nanowire arrays wrapped with reduced graphene oxide for water-splitting
Z Zhang, C Gao, Y Li, W Han, W Fu, Y He, E Xie
Nano Energy 30, 892-899, 2016
Scalable, safe, high-rate supercapacitor separators based on the Al2O3 nanowire polyvinyl butyral nonwoven membranes
M Liu, K Turcheniuk, W Fu, Y Yang, M Liu, G Yushin
Nano Energy 71, 104627, 2020
Lithium–iron (III) fluoride battery with double surface protection
E Zhao, O Borodin, X Gao, D Lei, Y Xiao, X Ren, W Fu, A Magasinski, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (26), 1800721, 2018
Vertically-aligned Co3O4 nanowires interconnected with Co(OH)2 nanosheets as supercapacitor electrode
J Mei, W Fu, Z Zhang, X Jiang, H Bu, C Jiang, E Xie, W Han
Energy 139, 1153-1158, 2017
Perylenetetracarboxylic diimide as a high-rate anode for potassium-ion batteries
Y Bai, W Fu, W Chen, Z Chen, X Pan, X Lv, J Wu, X Pan
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (42), 24454-24461, 2019
Bilayer carbon nanowires/nickel cobalt hydroxides nanostructures for high-performance supercapacitors
H Zuo, W Fu, R Fan, D Dastan, H Wang, Z Shi
Materials Letters 263, 127217, 2020
Anatase TiO2 Confined in Carbon Nanopores for High‐Energy Li‐Ion Hybrid Supercapacitors Operating at High Rates and Subzero Temperatures
W Fu, E Zhao, R Ma, Z Sun, Y Yang, M Sevilla, AB Fuertes, A Magasinski, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 10 (2), 1902993, 2020
Honeycomb-like Ni3S2 nanosheet arrays for high-performance hybrid supercapacitors
W Fu, Y Zhao, J Mei, F Wang, W Han, F Wang, E Xie
Electrochimica Acta 283, 737-743, 2018
Fabrication of porous nanosheet-based Co3O4 hollow nanocubes for electrochemical capacitors with high rate capability
C Zhao, B Huang, W Fu, J Chen, J Zhou, E Xie
Electrochimica Acta 178, 555-563, 2015
Porous FeP/C composite nanofibers as high-performance anodes for Li-ion/Na-ion batteries
Y Yang, W Fu, DC Lee, C Bell, M Drexler, ZF Ma, A Magasinski, G Yushin, ...
Materials Today Energy 16, 100410, 2020
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