George H. L.  Fletcher
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Thinking about computational thinking
JJ Lu, GHL Fletcher
Proceedings of the 40th ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2009
G-CORE: A core for future graph query languages
R Angles, M Arenas, P Barceló, P Boncz, G Fletcher, C Gutierrez, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data, 1421 …, 2018
Identifying a result responsive to a current location of a client device
AC Meisels, SJ Coughlin, G Fletcher, DS Bill
US Patent 7,743,056, 2010
Querying graphs
A Bonifati, G Fletcher, H Voigt, N Yakovets
Springer Nature, 2022
gMark: Schema-driven generation of graphs and queries
G Bagan, A Bonifati, R Ciucanu, GHL Fletcher, A Lemay, N Advokaat
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 29 (4), 856-869, 2016
Education Human computing skills: rethinking the K-12 experience
GHL Fletcher, JJ Lu
Communications of the ACM 52 (2), 23-25, 2009
Unstructured peer-to-peer networks: Topological properties and search performance
GHL Fletcher, HA Sheth, K Börner
Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing: Third International Workshop, AP2PC 2004 …, 2005
Landmark indexing for evaluation of label-constrained reachability queries
LDJ Valstar, GHL Fletcher, Y Yoshida
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data …, 2017
Identifying results responsive to a future location of a client device
AC Meisels, SJ Coughlin, G Fletcher, DS Bill
US Patent 9,234,762, 2016
A structural approach to indexing triples
F Picalausa, Y Luo, GHL Fletcher, J Hidders, S Vansummeren
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 9th Extended Semantic Web …, 2012
Scalable indexing of RDF graphs for efficient join processing
GHL Fletcher, PW Beck
Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge …, 2009
Relative expressive power of navigational querying on graphs
GHL Fletcher, M Gyssens, D Leinders, J Van den Bussche, D Van Gucht, ...
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Database Theory, 197-207, 2011
Pg-keys: Keys for property graphs
R Angles, A Bonifati, S Dumbrava, G Fletcher, KW Hare, J Hidders, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data, 2423 …, 2021
PG-Schema: Schemas for property graphs
R Angles, A Bonifati, S Dumbrava, G Fletcher, A Green, J Hidders, B Li, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data 1 (2), 1-25, 2023
Systems and methods for providing mobile mapping services including trip prediction and route recommendation
G Fletcher
US Patent 9,803,990, 2017
Identifying SQL misconceptions of novices: Findings from a think-aloud study
D Miedema, E Aivaloglou, G Fletcher
ACM Inroads 13 (1), 52-65, 2022
Storing and indexing massive RDF datasets
Y Luo, F Picalausa, GHL Fletcher, J Hidders, S Vansummeren
Semantic search over the web, 31-60, 2012
SQLVis: Visual query representations for supporting SQL learners
D Miedema, G Fletcher
2021 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC …, 2021
On bridging relational and document-centric data stores
J Roijackers, GHL Fletcher
British National Conference on Databases, 135-148, 2013
Structural characterizations of the semantics of XPath as navigation tool on a document
M Gyssens, J Paredaens, D Van Gucht, GHL Fletcher
Proceedings of the twenty-fifth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 2006
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Articles 1–20