Sven Panis
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Subordinate categorization enhances the neural selectivity in human object-selective cortex for fine shape differences
CR Gillebert, HP Op de Beeck, S Panis, J Wagemans
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (6), 1054-1064, 2009
Time-course contingencies in perceptual organization and identification of fragmented object outlines.
S Panis, J Wagemans
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 35 (3), 661, 2009
Identification of everyday objects on the basis of fragmented outline versions
S Panis, J De Winter, J Vandekerckhove, J Wagemans
Perception 37 (2), 271-289, 2008
Identification of everyday objects on the basis of Gaborized outline versions
M Sassi, K Vancleef, B Machilsen, S Panis, J Wagemans
i-Perception 1 (3), 121-142, 2010
Dynamic norm-based encoding for unfamiliar shapes in human visual cortex
S Panis, J Wagemans, HP Op de Beeck
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (7), 1829-1843, 2011
What is shaping RT and accuracy distributions? Active and selective response inhibition causes the negative compatibility effect
S Panis, T Schmidt
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 28 (11), 1651-1671, 2016
The representation of subordinate shape similarity in human occipitotemporal cortex
S Panis, J Vangeneugden, HPO de Beeck, J Wagemans
Journal of Vision 8 (10), 9-9, 2008
Disturbed interplay between mid-and high-level vision in ASD? Evidence from a contour identification task with everyday objects
K Evers, S Panis, K Torfs, J Steyaert, I Noens, J Wagemans
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 44, 801-815, 2014
Similarity, typicality, and category-level matching of morphed outlines of everyday objects
S Panis, J Vangeneugden, J Wagemans
Perception 37 (12), 1822-1849, 2008
Transsaccadic integration of bystander locations
F Germeys, P de Graef, S Panis, C van Eccelpoel, K Verfaillie
Visual Cognition 11 (2-3), 203-234, 2004
Identification of fragmented object outlines: A dynamic interplay between different component processes
K Torfs, S Panis, J Wagemans
Visual Cognition 18 (8), 1133-1164, 2010
The concavity effect is a compound of local and global effects
J Vandekerckhove, S Panis, J Wagemans
Perception & Psychophysics 69 (7), 1253-1260, 2007
Time course of spatial contextual interference: Event history analyses of simultaneous masking by nonoverlapping patterns.
S Panis, F Hermens
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 40 (1), 129, 2014
Analyzing Response Times and Other Types of Time-to-Event Data Using Event History Analysis: A Tool for Mental Chronometry and Cognitive Psychophysiology
S Panis, F Schmidt, MP Wolkersdorfer, T Schmidt
i-Perception 11 (6), 1-24, 2020
Studying the dynamics of visual search behavior using RT hazard and micro-level speed–accuracy tradeoff functions: A role for recurrent object recognition and cognitive control …
S Panis, R Moran, MP Wolkersdorfer, T Schmidt
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82, 689-714, 2020
Temporal dynamics of sequential motor activation in a dual-prime paradigm: Insights from conditional accuracy and hazard functions
MP Wolkersdorfer, S Panis, T Schmidt
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82, 2581-2602, 2020
Perceptual saliency of points along the contour of everyday objects: A large-scale study
J DeWinter, S Panis, J Wagemans
Journal of Vision 2 (7), 487-487, 2002
Neuropsychological evidence for the temporal dynamics of category-specific naming
S Panis, K Torfs, CR Gillebert, J Wagemans, GW Humphreys
Visual Cognition 25 (1-3), 79-99, 2017
Radial vs. rectangular: Evaluating visualization layout impact on user task performance of hierarchical data
S Muramalla, R Al Tarawneh, SR Humayoun, R Moses, S Panis, A Ebert
IADIS International Journal on Computer Science & Information Systems 12 (2), 2017
Impaired Identification of Impoverished Animate but not Inanimate Objects in Adults With High‐Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder
HG Burnett, S Panis, J Wagemans, T Jellema
Autism Research 8 (1), 52-60, 2015
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Articles 1–20