Energy Increase in Multi-MeV Ion Acceleration in the Interaction of a Short Pulse Laser<? format?> with a Cluster-Gas Target Y Fukuda, AY Faenov, M Tampo, TA Pikuz, T Nakamura, M Kando, ... Physical review letters 103 (16), 165002, 2009 | 259 | 2009 |
High-Power -Ray Flash Generation in Ultraintense Laser-Plasma Interactions T Nakamura, JK Koga, TZ Esirkepov, M Kando, G Korn, SV Bulanov Physical review letters 108 (19), 195001, 2012 | 242 | 2012 |
High-energy ions from near-critical density plasmas via magnetic vortex acceleration T Nakamura, SV Bulanov, TZ Esirkepov, M Kando Physical review letters 105 (13), 135002, 2010 | 236 | 2010 |
Optical guidance of terrawatt laser pulses by the implosion phase of a fast Z-pinch discharge in a gas-filled capillary T Hosokai, M Kando, H Dewa, H Kotaki, S Kondo, N Hasegawa, ... Optics Letters 25 (1), 10-12, 2000 | 214 | 2000 |
Demonstration of Laser-Frequency Upshift by Electron-Density Modulations<? format?> in a Plasma Wakefield M Kando, Y Fukuda, AS Pirozhkov, J Ma, I Daito, LM Chen, TZ Esirkepov, ... Physical review letters 99 (13), 135001, 2007 | 182 | 2007 |
Unlimited ion acceleration by radiation pressure SV Bulanov, EY Echkina, TZ Esirkepov, IN Inovenkov, M Kando, ... Physical review letters 104 (13), 135003, 2010 | 173 | 2010 |
EuPRAXIA conceptual design report RW Assmann, MK Weikum, T Akhter, D Alesini, AS Alexandrova, ... The European Physical Journal Special Topics 229, 3675-4284, 2020 | 169 | 2020 |
Head-on injection of a high quality electron beam by the interaction of two laser pulses H Kotaki, S Masuda, M Kando, JK Koga, K Nakajima Physics of Plasmas 11 (6), 3296-3302, 2004 | 164 | 2004 |
High-contrast high-intensity repetitive petawatt laser H Kiriyama, AS Pirozhkov, M Nishiuchi, Y Fukuda, K Ogura, A Sagisaka, ... Optics letters 43 (11), 2595-2598, 2018 | 158 | 2018 |
On the problems of relativistic laboratory astrophysics and fundamental physics with super powerful lasers SV Bulanov, TZ Esirkepov, M Kando, J Koga, K Kondo, G Korn Plasma Physics Reports 41, 1-51, 2015 | 156 | 2015 |
Relativistic mirrors in plasmas. Novel results and perspectives SV Bulanov, TZ Esirkepov, M Kando, AS Pirozhkov, NN Rosanov Physics-Uspekhi 56 (5), 429, 2013 | 156 | 2013 |
Enhancement of photon number reflected by the relativistic flying mirror M Kando, AS Pirozhkov, K Kawase, TZ Esirkepov, Y Fukuda, H Kiriyama, ... Physical review letters 103 (23), 235003, 2009 | 154 | 2009 |
Controlled electron injection into the wake wave using plasma density inhomogeneity AV Brantov, TZ Esirkepov, M Kando, H Kotaki, VY Bychenkov, SV Bulanov Physics of Plasmas 15 (7), 2008 | 143 | 2008 |
Proton acceleration to 40 MeV using a high intensity, high contrast optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification/Ti: sapphire hybrid laser system K Ogura, M Nishiuchi, AS Pirozhkov, T Tanimoto, A Sagisaka, ... Optics Letters 37 (14), 2868-2870, 2012 | 141 | 2012 |
Approaching the diffraction-limited, bandwidth-limited Petawatt AS Pirozhkov, Y Fukuda, M Nishiuchi, H Kiriyama, A Sagisaka, K Ogura, ... Optics express 25 (17), 20486-20501, 2017 | 138 | 2017 |
Effect of a laser prepulse on a narrow-cone ejection of MeV electrons from a gas jet irradiated by an ultrashort laser pulse T Hosokai, K Kinoshita, A Zhidkov, K Nakamura, T Watanabe, T Ueda, ... Physical review E 67 (3), 036407, 2003 | 137 | 2003 |
Study of X-Ray Emission Enhancement via a High-Contrast Femtosecond Laser Interacting<? format?> with a Solid Foil LM Chen, M Kando, MH Xu, YT Li, J Koga, M Chen, H Xu, XH Yuan, ... Physical review letters 100 (4), 045004, 2008 | 135 | 2008 |
Frequency multiplication of light back-reflected from a relativistic wake wave AS Pirozhkov, J Ma, M Kando, TZ Esirkepov, Y Fukuda, LM Chen, I Daito, ... Physics of Plasmas 14 (12), 2007 | 123 | 2007 |
Observation of strong correlation between quasimonoenergetic electron beam generation by laser wakefield and laser guiding inside a preplasma cavity T Hosokai, K Kinoshita, T Ohkubo, A Maekawa, M Uesaka, A Zhidkov, ... Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (3 …, 2006 | 121 | 2006 |
Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac versus Landau-Lifshitz radiation friction force in the ultrarelativistic electron interaction with electromagnetic wave (exact solutions) SV Bulanov, TZ Esirkepov, M Kando, JK Koga, SS Bulanov Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (5 …, 2011 | 117 | 2011 |