Jennifer Jay
Jennifer Jay
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Cited by
Synthesis of global satellite observations of magmatic and volcanic deformation: implications for volcano monitoring & the lateral extent of magmatic domains
SK Ebmeier, BJ Andrews, MC Araya, DWD Arnold, J Biggs, C Cooper, ...
Journal of Applied Volcanology 7 (1), 2, 2018
Subsidence at southern Andes volcanoes induced by the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake
ME Pritchard, JA Jay, F Aron, ST Henderson, LE Lara
Nature Geoscience 6 (8), 632, 2013
Erratum to``Locating magma reservoirs using InSAR and petrology before and during the 2011-2012 Cordón Caulle silicic eruption''[Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 395 (2014) 254-266]
J Jay, F Costa, M Pritchard, L Lara, B Singer, J Herrin
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 403, 463-463, 2014
Locating magma reservoirs using InSAR and petrology before and during the 2011–2012 Cordón Caulle silicic eruption
J Jay, F Costa, M Pritchard, L Lara, B Singer, J Herrin
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 395, 254-266, 2014
Locating magma reservoirs using InSAR and petrology before and during the 2011–2012 Cordón Caulle silicic eruption
J Jay, F Costa, M Pritchard, L Lara, B Singer, J Herrin
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 395, 254-266, 2014
Shallow seismicity, triggered seismicity, and ambient noise tomography at the long-dormant Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
JA Jay, ME Pritchard, ME West, D Christensen, M Haney, E Minaya, ...
Bulletin of volcanology 74 (4), 817-837, 2012
Synthesis: PLUTONS: Investigating the relationship between pluton growth and volcanism in the Central Andes
ME Pritchard, SL de Silva, G Michelfelder, G Zandt, SR McNutt, ...
Geosphere, 2018
Deformation and seismicity near Sabancaya volcano, southern Peru, from 2002 to 2015
JA Jay, FJ Delgado, JL Torres, ME Pritchard, O Macedo, V Aguilar
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (8), 2780-2788, 2015
Volcanic hotspots of the central and southern Andes as seen from space by ASTER and MODVOLC between the years 2000 and 2010
JA Jay, M Welch, ME Pritchard, PJ Mares, ME Mnich, AK Melkonian, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 380 (1), 161-185, 2013
Post-depositional fracturing and subsidence of pumice flow deposits: Lascar Volcano, Chile
PL Whelley, J Jay, ES Calder, ME Pritchard, NJ Cassidy, S Alcaraz, ...
Bulletin of volcanology 74 (2), 511-531, 2012
Reconnaissance earthquake studies at nine volcanic areas of the central Andes with coincident satellite thermal and InSAR observations
ME Pritchard, ST Henderson, JA Jay, V Soler, DA Krzesni, NE Button, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 280, 90-103, 2014
A geophysical survey of active volcanism in the Central and Southern Andes
JA Jay
Cornell University, 2014
Volcano-tectonic interaction at Sabancaya and other Peruvian volcanoes revealed by InSAR and seismicity
J Jay, M Pritchard, F Aron, F Delgado, JL Torres, O Macedo, V Aguilar
EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 94, 2013
A remote sensing assessment of the impact of the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake (Mw 8.8) on the volcanoes of the southern Andes
ME Pritchard, M Welch, J Jay, N Button
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011
Reconnaissance seismology at nine volcanoes of the central Andes
ME Pritchard, D Krzesni, N Button, M Welch, J Jay, S Henderson, B Glass, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012
Deformation of Cordon Caulle Volcano (Chile) measured by InSAR from 2007 to 2011 and its relation to magmatic pre-eruptive conditions and processes from petrological inferences
J Jay, ME Pritchard, LE Lara, F Costa, BS Singer
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012
Searching for Activity in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone: Thermal Anomalies, Seismicity, and Deformation Over a Timespan of 1-20 years
ST Henderson, ME Pritchard, JA Jay, M Welch, PJ Mares, ME Mnich, ...
The potential for synthesizing multi-sensor remote sensing data for global volcano monitoring
M Furtney, ME Pritchard, SA Carn, B McCormick, SK Ebmeier, J Jay
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015
Preparing for Routine Satellite Global Volcano Deformation Observations: The Volcano Deformation Database Task Force
ME Pritchard, J Jay, BJ Andrews, J Cooper, ST Henderson, F Delgado, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014
Global synthesis of volcano deformation: Results of the Volcano Deformation Task Force
ME Pritchard, J Jay, J Biggs, SK Ebmeier, F Delgado
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013
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Articles 1–20