Kozo Ueda
Kozo Ueda
確認したメール アドレス: waseda.jp - ホームページ
Estimating a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model for Japan
T Sugo, K Ueda
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 22 (4), 476-502, 2008
Banking globalization and international business cycles: Cross-border chained credit contracts and financial accelerators
K Ueda
Journal of international Economics 86 (1), 1-16, 2012
First search for gravitational waves from inspiraling compact binaries using TAMA300 data
H Tagoshi, N Kanda, T Tanaka, D Tatsumi, S Telada, M Ando, K Arai, ...
Physical Review D 63 (6), 062001, 2001
Aging and deflation from a fiscal perspective
M Katagiri, H Konishi, K Ueda
Journal of Monetary Economics 111, 1-15, 2020
Determinants of households’ inflation expectations in Japan and the United States
K Ueda
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 24 (4), 503-518, 2010
Chained credit contracts and financial accelerators
N Hirakata, N Sudo, K Ueda
Economic Inquiry 55 (1), 565-579, 2017
Do banking shocks matter for the US economy?
N Hirakata, N Sudo, K Ueda
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 35 (12), 2042-2063, 2011
Firm exit during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Japan
D Miyakawa, K Oikawa, K Ueda
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 59, 101118, 2021
The optimal inflation rate under Schumpeterian growth
K Oikawa, K Ueda
Journal of Monetary Economics 100, 114-125, 2018
The fiscal multiplier and spillover in a global liquidity trap
I Fujiwara, K Ueda
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 37 (7), 1264-1283, 2013
Capital injection, monetary policy, and financial accelerators
N Hirakata, N Sudo, K Ueda
31st issue (June 2013) of the International Journal of Central Banking, 2018
Micro Price Dynamics during J apan's Lost Decades
N Sudo, K Ueda, K Watanabe
Asian Economic Policy Review 9 (1), 44-64, 2014
Strategic central bank communication: Discourse analysis of the Bank of Japan’s Monthly Report
K Kawamura, Y Kobashi, M Shizume, K Ueda
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 100, 230-250, 2019
Estimating a nonlinear new Keynesian model with the zero lower bound for Japan
H Iiboshi, M Shintani, K Ueda
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 54 (6), 1637-1671, 2022
Policy regime change against chronic deflation? Policy option under a long-term liquidity trap
I Fujiwara, Y Nakazono, K Ueda
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 37, 59-81, 2015
Product turnover and the cost-of-living index: Quality versus fashion effects
K Ueda, K Watanabe, T Watanabe
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 11 (2), 310-347, 2019
Working Less and Bargain Hunting More: Macroimplications of Sales during Japan's Lost Decades
N Sudo, K Ueda, K Watanabe, T Watanabe
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 50 (2-3), 449-478, 2018
Development of a multistage laser frequency stabilization for an interferometric gravitational-wave detector
S Nagano, S Kawamura, M Ando, R Takahashi, K Arai, M Musha, ...
Review of scientific instruments 74 (9), 4176-4183, 2003
Japan's financial crises and lost decades
N Hirakata, N Sudo, I Takei, K Ueda
Japan and the World Economy 40, 31-46, 2016
Secular stagnation and low interest rates under the fear of a government debt crisis
K Kobayashi, K Ueda
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 54 (4), 779-824, 2022
論文 1–20