Shahriyar Keshavarz
Shahriyar Keshavarz
Research Scientist
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Multi-scale crystal plasticity finite element model approach to modeling nickel-based superalloys
S Keshavarz, S Ghosh
Acta Materialia, 2013
Hierarchical crystal plasticity FE model for nickel-based superalloys: Sub-grain microstructures to polycrystalline aggregates
S Keshavarz, S Ghosh
International Journal of Solids and Structures 55, 17-31, 2015
A non-Schmid crystal plasticity finite element approach to multi-scale modeling of nickel-based superalloys
S Keshavarz, S Ghosh, ACE Reid, SA Langer
Acta Materialia 114, 106-115, 2016
Modeling of large deformation frictional contact in powder compaction processes
AR Khoei, S Keshavarz, AR Khaloo
Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (5), 775-801, 2008
Multiscale modeling of polycrystalline nickel-based superalloys accounting for subgrain microstructures
S Ghosh, G Weber, S Keshavarz
Mechanics Research Communications 78, 34-46, 2016
A crystal plasticity finite element model for flow stress anomalies in Ni3Al single crystals
S Keshavarz, S Ghosh
Philosophical Magazine 95 (24), 2639-2660, 2015
Contact friction simulation in powder compaction process based on the penalty approach
S Keshavarz, AR Khoei, AR Khaloo
Materials & Design 29 (6), 1199-1211, 2008
Genetic algorithm-based numerical optimization of powder compaction process with temperature-dependent cap plasticity model
S Keshavarz, AR Khoei, Z Molaeinia
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 64, 1057-1072, 2013
A new computational algorithm for contact friction modeling of large plastic deformation in powder compaction processes
AR Khoei, SOR Biabanaki, AR Vafa, I Yadegaran, SH Keshavarz
International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (2), 287-310, 2009
Modelling Hot isostatic Pressing of Metal Powder via a Temperature–dependent Cap Plasticity Model
A Khoei, S Keshavarz, Z Molaeinia
Optimal design of powder compaction processes via genetic algorithm technique
AR Khoei, S Keshavarz, SOR Biabanaki
Finite elements in analysis and design 46 (10), 843-861, 2010
Morphology Dependent Flow Stress in Nickel-Based Superalloys in the Multi-Scale Crystal Plasticity Framework
S Keshavarz, Z Molaeinia, ACE Reid, SA Langer
Crystals 7 (11), 334, 2017
Computational multiscale modeling of nickel-based superalloys containing gamma-gamma’precipitates
S Ghosh, S Keshavarz, G Weber
Inelastic Behavior of Materials and Structures Under Monotonic and Cyclic …, 2015
Multi-Scale Crystal Plasticity Model of Creep Responses in Nickel-Based Superalloys
S Keshavarz, CE Campbell, ACE Reid
Materials 15 (13), 4447, 2022
The genetic algorithm approach for shape optimization of powder compaction processes considering contact friction and cap plasticity models
AR Khoei, S Keshavarz, AR Khaloo
Engineering Computations 27 (3), 322-353, 2010
Ai for learning deformation behavior of a material: predicting stress-strain curves 4000x faster than simulations
Y Mao, S Keshavarz, V Gupta, ACE Reid, W Liao, A Choudhary, ...
2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2023
OOF: Flexible finite element modeling for materials science
A Reid, S Langer, S Keshavarz
2nd International Workshop on Software Solutions for ICME. http://congress …, 2018
Multi-scale crystal plasticity fem approach to modeling nickel-based superalloys
S Ghosh
55th AIAA/ASMe/ASCE/AHS/SC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2014
A deep learning-based crystal plasticity finite element model
Y Mao, S Keshavarz, MNT Kilic, K Wang, Y Li, ACE Reid, W Liao, ...
Scripta Materialia 254, 116315, 2025
Advanced Computational Analysis of Cobalt-Based Superalloys through Crystal Plasticity
S Keshavarz, CE Campbell, ACE Reid
Materials 17 (10), 2458, 2024
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Articles 1–20