Nicole Hill
Nicole Hill
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Integrating abundance and functional traits reveals new global hotspots of fish diversity
RD Stuart-Smith, AE Bates, JS Lefcheck, JE Duffy, SC Baker, RJ Thomson, ...
Nature 501 (7468), 539-542, 2013
Species traits and climate velocity explain geographic range shifts in an ocean‐warming hotspot
JM Sunday, GT Pecl, S Frusher, AJ Hobday, N Hill, NJ Holbrook, ...
Ecology letters 18 (9), 944-953, 2015
Statistical solutions for error and bias in global citizen science datasets
TJ Bird, AE Bates, JS Lefcheck, NA Hill, RJ Thomson, GJ Edgar, ...
Biological Conservation 173, 144-154, 2014
A comprehensive evaluation of predictive performance of 33 species distribution models at species and community levels
A Norberg, N Abrego, FG Blanchet, FR Adler, BJ Anderson, J Anttila, ...
Ecological monographs 89 (3), e01370, 2019
Defining and observing stages of climate-mediated range shifts in marine systems
AE Bates, GT Pecl, S Frusher, AJ Hobday, T Wernberg, DA Smale, ...
Global Environmental Change 26, 27-38, 2014
A standardised vocabulary for identifying benthic biota and substrata from underwater imagery: the CATAMI classification scheme
F Althaus, N Hill, R Ferrari, L Edwards, R Przeslawski, CHL Schönberg, ...
PloS one 10 (10), e0141039, 2015
Do marine substrates ‘look’and ‘sound’the same? Supervised classification of multibeam acoustic data using autonomous underwater vehicle images
V Lucieer, NA Hill, NS Barrett, S Nichol
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 117, 94-106, 2013
Beyond the bed: effects of metal contamination on recruitment to bedded sediments and overlying substrata
NA Hill, SL Simpson, EL Johnston
Environmental Pollution 173, 182-191, 2013
Phylogenetic and geographic variation in host breadth and composition by herbivorous amphipods in the family Ampithoidae
AGB Poore, NA Hill, EE Sotka
Evolution 62 (1), 21-38, 2008
Grazing effects of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii in two contrasting rocky reef habitats: effects of urchin density and its implications for the fishery
NA Hill, C Blount, AGB Poore, D Worthington, PD Steinberg
Marine and Freshwater Research 54 (6), 691-700, 2003
Quantifying wave exposure in shallow temperate reef systems: applicability of fetch models for predicting algal biodiversity
NA Hill, AR Pepper, ML Puotinen, MG Hughes, GJ Edgar, NS Barrett, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 417, 83-95, 2010
Filling the gaps: Predicting the distribution of temperate reef biota using high resolution biological and acoustic data
NA Hill, V Lucieer, NS Barrett, TJ Anderson, SB Williams
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 147, 137-147, 2014
Australian sea-floor survey data, with images and expert annotations
M Bewley, A Friedman, R Ferrari, N Hill, R Hovey, N Barrett, EM Marzinelli, ...
Scientific data 2 (1), 1-13, 2015
Sources of variation in herbivore preference: among-individual and past diet effects on amphipod host choice
AGB Poore, NA Hill
Marine Biology 149, 1403-1410, 2006
Abundance and richness of key Antarctic seafloor fauna correlates with modelled food availability
J Jansen, NA Hill, PK Dunstan, J McKinlay, MD Sumner, AL Post, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (1), 71-80, 2018
Contaminated suspended sediments toxic to an Antarctic filter feeder: Aqueous‐and particulate‐phase effects
NA Hill, CK King, LA Perrett, EL Johnston
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 28 (2), 409-417, 2009
Subsurface Chlorophyll-a Maxima in the Southern Ocean
K Baldry, PG Strutton, NA Hill, PW Boyd
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 671, 2020
CATAMI Classification Scheme for scoring marine biota and substrata in underwater imagery—A pictorial guide to the Collaborative and Annotation Tools for Analysis of Marine …
F Althaus, N Hill, L Edwards, R Ferrari, M Case, J Colquhoun, G Edgar, ...
Version 1.3, 2013
Choosing between strategies for designing surveys: autonomous underwater vehicles
SD Foster, GR Hosack, NA Hill, NS Barrett, VL Lucieer
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (3), 287-297, 2014
Model‐based mapping of assemblages for ecology and conservation management: A case study of demersal fish on the Kerguelen Plateau
NA Hill, SD Foster, G Duhamel, D Welsford, P Koubbi, CR Johnson
Diversity and Distributions 23 (10), 1216-1230, 2017
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Articles 1–20