Laura Lotero
Laura Lotero
確認したメール アドレス: unal.edu.co
Spreading processes in multiplex metapopulations containing different mobility networks
D Soriano-Paños, L Lotero, A Arenas, J Gómez-Gardeñes
Physical Review X 8 (3), 031039, 2018
Explosive contagion in networks
J Gómez-Gardenes, L Lotero, SN Taraskin, FJ Pérez-Reche
Scientific reports 6 (1), 19767, 2016
Rich do not rise early: spatio-temporal patterns in the mobility networks of different socio-economic classes
L Lotero, RG Hurtado, LM Floría, J Gómez-Gardeñes
Royal Society open science 3 (10), 150654, 2016
Evaluation of the effectiveness of green practices in manufacturing sector using CHAID analysis
S Samar Ali, R Kaur, F Ersöz, L Lotero, GW Weber
Journal of Remanufacturing 9, 3-27, 2019
Several multiplexes in the same city: the role of socioeconomic differences in urban mobility
L Lotero, A Cardillo, R Hurtado, J Gómez-Gardenes
Interconnected networks, 149-164, 2016
Using demand mapping to assess the benefits of urban green and blue space in cities from four continents
DH Fletcher, PJ Likongwe, SS Chiotha, G Nduwayezu, D Mallick, NU Md, ...
Science of the Total Environment 785, 147238, 2021
Differences in the spatial landscape of urban mobility: gender and socioeconomic perspectives
M Macedo, L Lotero, A Cardillo, R Menezes, H Barbosa
Plos one 17 (3), e0260874, 2022
Vulnerabilidad de redes complejas y aplicaciones al transporte urbano: una revisión de la literatura
L Lotero Vélez, RG Hurtado Heredia
Revista EIA, 67-78, 2014
Closeness matters. Spatial autocorrelation and relationship between socioeconomic indices and distance to departmental Colombian capitals
A Builes-Jaramillo, L Lotero
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 70, 100662, 2020
Influence of digital divide in the entrepreneurial motor of a digital economy: a system dynamics approach
M Arbeláez-Rendón, DP Giraldo, L Lotero
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 9 (2), 100046, 2023
A theoretical framework for analysing technology transfer processes using agent-based modelling: A case study on massive technology adoption (amtec) program on rice production
W Orjuela-Garzon, S Quintero, DP Giraldo, L Lotero, C Nieto-Londoño
Sustainability 13 (20), 11143, 2021
Spatial-temporal network analysis of the public bicycle sharing system in Medellín, Colombia
A Builes-Jaramillo, L Lotero
Journal of Transport Geography 105, 103460, 2022
Modelos de series temporales para pronóstico de la demanda eléctrica del sector de explotación de minas y canteras en Colombia
MD MARINO, A Arango, L Lotero, M Jiménez
Revista EIA 18 (35), 77-99, 2021
Gender patterns of human mobility in Colombia: Reexamining Ravenstein’s laws of migration
M Macedo, L Lotero, A Cardillo, H Barbosa, R Menezes
Complex Networks XI: Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Complex Networks …, 2020
Interconnected networks
L Lotero, A Cardillo, R Hurtado, J Gómez-Gardeñes
Understanding Complex Systems, 149-164, 2016
A network-based analysis to assess COVID-19 disruptions in the Bogotá BRT system
JD Garcia-Arteaga, L Lotero
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 50 (4), 983-999, 2023
Urban mobility and inequalities. Some perspectives from different disciplines
LL Velez, W Darler, S Gunn
LIAS Working Paper Series 2, 2019
A heuristic decomposition method for large-scale traffic assignment: Aburra Valley case study
L Lotero, P Jaramillo, CC Rave
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 187-197, 2013
Modelos de optimización de la operación del transporte público colectivo
PJ Alvarez, LL Vélez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2011
Modelo matemático para la asignación de tráfico al sistema de transporte urbano aplicado al Valle de Aburrá.[En línea]
L Lotero Vélez
Tesis de maestría. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Medellin, Colombia …, 2010
論文 1–20