Tiziano Tirabassi
Tiziano Tirabassi
Univ. Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil; Univ. Politec. delle Marche, Italy; ISAC-CNR, Italy (retired)
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Turbulence parameterisation for PBL dispersion models in all stability conditions
GA Degrazia, D Anfossi, JC Carvalho, C Mangia, T Tirabassi, HFC Velho
Atmospheric environment 34 (21), 3575-3583, 2000
The state-of-art of the GILTT method to simulate pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere
DM Moreira, MT Vilhena, D Buske, T Tirabassi
Atmospheric Research 92 (1), 1-17, 2009
Semi-analytical solution of the steady three-dimensional advection-diffusion equation in the planetary boundary layer
CP Costa, MT Vilhena, DM Moreira, T Tirabassi
Atmospheric Environment 40 (29), 5659-5669, 2006
Near-source atmospheric pollutant dispersion using the new GILTT method
DM Moreira, MT Vilhena, T Tirabassi, D Buske, R Cotta
Atmospheric Environment 39 (34), 6289-6294, 2005
Analytical air pollution advection and diffusion models
T Tirabassi
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 47, 19-24, 1989
The GILTT solution of the advection–diffusion equation for an inhomogeneous and nonstationary PBL
DM Moreira, MT Vilhena, D Buske, T Tirabassi
Atmospheric Environment 40 (17), 3186-3194, 2006
Mathematical model of pollutants dispersion in the atmosphere: an instrument technique to environmental management
D Moreira, T Tirabassi
Ambiente & Sociedade 7 (2), 2004
An analytical air pollution model: development and evaluation
DM Moreira, U Rizza, GA Degrazia, C Mangia, T Tirabassi
Contributions to atmospheric physics 71, 1998
Air dispersion model and neural network: A new perspective for integrated models in the simulation of complex situations
A Pelliccioni, T Tirabassi
Environmental Modelling & Software 21 (4), 539-546, 2006
Evaluation of a new eddy diffusivity parameterisation from turbulent Eulerian spectra in different stability conditions
C Mangia, DM Moreira, I Schipa, GA Degrazia, T Tirabassi, U Rizza
Atmospheric Environment 36 (1), 67-76, 2002
Plume dispersion simulation in low wind conditions in stable and convective boundary layers
DM Moreira, T Tirabassi, JC Carvalho
Atmospheric environment 39 (20), 3643-3650, 2005
Simulation of Pollutant Dispersion in the Atmosphere by the Laplace Transform: The ADMM Approach.
DM Moreira, MT Vilhena, T Tirabassi, C Costa, B Bodmann
Water, Air & Soil Pollution 177, 2006
KAPPA-G, a non-Gaussian plume dispersion model: description and evaluation against tracer measurements
T Tirabassi, M Tagliazucca, P Zannetti
Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association 36 (5), 592-596, 1986
Air pollution steady-state advection-diffusion equation: the general three-dimensional solution
B Daniela, V Marco Túllio, T Tiziano, B Bardo
Journal of Environmental Protection 2012, 2012
Validation of a new turbulent parameterization for dispersion models in convective conditions
GA Degrazia, U Rizza, C Mangia, T Tirabassi
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 85, 243-254, 1997
Simulation of pollutant dispersion for low wind conditions in stable and convective planetary boundary layer
D Buske, MT Vilhena, DM Moreira, T Tirabassi
Atmospheric Environment 41 (26), 5496-5501, 2007
Operational advanced air pollution modeling
T Tirabassi
PAGEOPH, 5-16, 2003
Boundary layer parameterization for a non-Gaussian puff model
T Tirabassi, U Rizza
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 36 (8), 1031-1037, 1997
A two-dimensional solution of the advection–diffusion equation with dry deposition to the ground
T Tirabassi, D Buske, DM Moreira, MT Vilhena
Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 47 (8), 2096-2104, 2008
Meteorologia e poluição atmosférica
DM Moreira, T Tirabassi, MR Moraes
Ambiente & Sociedade 11 (1), 1-13, 2008
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Articles 1–20