Nicholas Fournier
Nicholas Fournier
確認したメール アドレス: berkeley.edu
Why most DRT/Micro-Transits fail–What the survivors tell us about progress
G Currie, N Fournier
Research in Transportation Economics 83, 100895, 2020
A sinusoidal model for seasonal bicycle demand estimation
N Fournier, E Christofa, MA Knodler Jr
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 50, 154-169, 2017
Accounting for drivers’ bicycling frequency and familiarity with bicycle infrastructure treatments when evaluating safety
N Fournier, S Bakhtiari, KD Valluru, N Campbell, E Christofa, S Roberts, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 137, 105410, 2020
A mixed methods investigation of bicycle exposure in crash rates
N Fournier, E Christofa, MA Knodler Jr
Accident Analysis & Prevention 130, 54-61, 2019
Integrated population synthesis and workplace assignment using an efficient optimization-based person-household matching method
N Fournier, E Christofa, AP Akkinepally, CL Azevedo
Transportation 48 (2), 1061-1087, 2021
An integration of population synthesis methods for agent-based microsimulation
N Fournier, E Christofa, AP Akkinepally, CL Azevedo
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the transportation research board …, 2018
On the impact of income, age, and travel distance on the value of time
N Fournier, E Christofa
Transportation research record 2675 (3), 122-135, 2021
Integrated simulation of activity-based demand and multi-modal dynamic supply for energy assessment
N Fournier, S Chen, IHV De Lima, Z Needell, A Deliali, A Araldo, ...
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2018
Valuing public transport customer experience infrastructure–A review of methods & application
G Currie, N Fournier
Research in Transportation Economics 83, 100961, 2020
Bicycle Infrastructure from the Driver's Seat: Evaluating Bicycle Infrastructure Using a Driving Simulator
N Fournier, E Christofa, MA Knodler
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
Hybrid pedestrian and transit priority zoning policies in an urban street network: Evaluating network traffic flow impacts with analytical approximation
N Fournier
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 152, 254-274, 2021
Bicycle level of service: Proposed updated pavement quality index
J Huang, N Fournier, A Skabardonis
Transportation research record 2675 (11), 1346-1356, 2021
Addressing transit mode location bias in built environment-transit mode use research
L Aston, G Currie, M Kamruzzaman, A Delbosc, N Fournier, D Teller
Journal of Transport Geography 87, 102786, 2020
Erroneous high occupancy vehicle lane data: detecting misconfigured traffic sensors with machine learning
N Fournier, YZ Farid, A Patire
Transportation research record 2677 (3), 1593-1610, 2023
Futures market for demand responsive travel pricing
N Fournier, A Patire, A Skabardonis
Transportation Research Record 2677 (12), 171-186, 2023
Improved Analysis Methodologies and Strategies for Complete Street
N Fournier, A Huang, A Skabardonis
Visually Impaired Pedestrian Safety at Roundabout Crossings
E Christofa, A Ganz, MA Knodler, J Wolfgram, N Fournier
Safety Research Using Simulation (SAFER-SIM) University Transportation Center, 2017
Investigating the Safety Impact of Segment-and Intersection-Level Bicycle Treatments on Bicycle–Motorized Vehicle Crashes
A Deliali, N Fournier, E Christofa, M Knodler
Transportation research record 2677 (2), 1315-1330, 2023
Good Practice Public Transport Concessions: the Cases of London and Melbourne
G Currie, N Fournier
International Transport Forum, 2021
Hybrid Data Implementation: Final Report for Task Number 3643
SM Khan, N Fournier, M Mauch, AD Patire, A Skabardonis
論文 1–20