Jukka Pekola
Jukka Pekola
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Opportunities for mesoscopics in thermometry and refrigeration: Physics and applications
F Giazotto, TT Heikkilä, A Luukanen, AM Savin, JP Pekola
Reviews of Modern Physics 78 (1), 217-274, 2006
Experimental realization of a Szilard engine with a single electron
JV Koski, VF Maisi, JP Pekola, DV Averin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (38), 13786-13789, 2014
Towards quantum thermodynamics in electronic circuits
JP Pekola
Nature physics 11 (2), 118-123, 2015
Single-electron current sources: Toward a refined definition of the ampere
JP Pekola, OP Saira, VF Maisi, A Kemppinen, M Möttönen, YA Pashkin, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 85 (4), 1421-1472, 2013
On-chip Maxwell’s demon as an information-powered refrigerator
JV Koski, A Kutvonen, IM Khaymovich, T Ala-Nissila, JP Pekola
Physical review letters 115 (26), 260602, 2015
Efficient Peltier refrigeration by a pair of normal metal/insulator/superconductor junctions
MM Leivo, JP Pekola, DV Averin
Applied physics letters 68 (14), 1996
Thermometry by arrays of tunnel junctions
JP Pekola, KP Hirvi, JP Kauppinen, MA Paalanen
Physical review letters 73 (21), 2903, 1994
Single-mode heat conduction by photons
M Meschke, W Guichard, JP Pekola
Nature 444 (7116), 187-190, 2006
Experimental observation of the role of mutual information in the nonequilibrium dynamics of a Maxwell demon
JV Koski, VF Maisi, T Sagawa, JP Pekola
Physical review letters 113 (3), 030601, 2014
Origin of hysteresis in a proximity Josephson junction
H Courtois, M Meschke, JT Peltonen, JP Pekola
Physical review letters 101 (6), 067002, 2008
Hybrid single-electron transistor as a source of quantized electric current
JP Pekola, JJ Vartiainen, M Möttönen, OP Saira, M Meschke, DV Averin
Nature Physics 4 (2), 120-124, 2008
Tunable photonic heat transport in a quantum heat valve
A Ronzani, B Karimi, J Senior, YC Chang, JT Peltonen, CD Chen, ...
Nature Physics 14 (10), 991-995, 2018
Test of the Jarzynski and Crooks fluctuation relations in an electronic system
OP Saira, Y Yoon, T Tanttu, M Möttönen, DV Averin, JP Pekola
Physical review letters 109 (18), 180601, 2012
Nonequilibrium fluctuations in quantum heat engines: theory, example, and possible solid state experiments
M Campisi, J Pekola, R Fazio
New Journal of Physics 17 (3), 035012, 2015
Environment-assisted tunneling as an origin of the Dynes density of states
JP Pekola, VF Maisi, S Kafanov, N Chekurov, A Kemppinen, YA Pashkin, ...
Physical Review Letters 105 (2), 026803, 2010
Violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law in a single-electron transistor
B Kubala, J König, J Pekola
Physical review letters 100 (6), 066801, 2008
Micrometre-scale refrigerators
JT Muhonen, M Meschke, JP Pekola
Reports on Progress in Physics 75 (4), 046501, 2012
Heat transistor: Demonstration of gate-controlled electronic refrigeration
OP Saira, M Meschke, F Giazotto, AM Savin, M Möttönen, JP Pekola
Physical review letters 99 (2), 027203, 2007
Quantum jump approach for work and dissipation in a two-level system
FWJ Hekking, JP Pekola
Physical review letters 111 (9), 093602, 2013
Otto refrigerator based on a superconducting qubit: Classical and quantum performance
B Karimi, JP Pekola
Physical Review B 94 (18), 184503, 2016
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Articles 1–20