Junichi Suzuki
Extending UML with aspects: Aspect support in the design phase
J Suzuki, Y Yamamoto
ECOOP Workshops 1743, 299-300, 1999
R2-IBEA: R2 indicator based evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective optimization
DH Phan, J Suzuki
2013 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation, 1836-1845, 2013
Involvement of Ras and Ral in chemotactic migration of skeletal myoblasts
J Suzuki, Y Yamazaki, L Guang, Y Kaziro, H Koide
Molecular and cellular biology 20 (13), 4658-4665, 2000
A middleware platform for a biologically inspired network architecture supporting autonomous and adaptive applications
J Suzuki, T Suda
IEEE Journal on selected areas in Communications 23 (2), 249-260, 2005
E³: A multiobjective optimization framework for SLA-aware service composition
H Wada, J Suzuki, Y Yamano, K Oba
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 5 (3), 358-372, 2011
Multiobjective optimization of sla-aware service composition
H Wada, P Champrasert, J Suzuki, K Oba
2008 IEEE Congress on Services-Part I, 368-375, 2008
Three dimensional micromachining inside a transparent material by single pulse femtosecond laser through a hologram
M Yamaji, H Kawashima, J Suzuki, S Tanaka
Applied Physics Letters 93 (4), 2008
Modeling non-functional aspects in service oriented architecture
H Wada, J Suzuki, K Oba
2006 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC'06), 222-229, 2006
Toward the interoperable software design models: quartet of UML, XML, DOM and CORBA
J Suzuki, Y Yamamoto
Proceedings 4th IEEE International Software Engineering Standards Symposium …, 1999
TinyDDS: An interoperable and configurable publish/subscribe middleware for wireless sensor networks
P Boonma, J Suzuki
Wireless technologies: concepts, methodologies, tools and applications, 819-846, 2012
BiSNET: A biologically-inspired middleware architecture for self-managing wireless sensor networks
P Boonma, J Suzuki
Computer networks 51 (16), 4599-4616, 2007
Evolutionary deployment optimization for service‐oriented clouds
H Wada, J Suzuki, Y Yamano, K Oba
Software: Practice and Experience 41 (5), 469-493, 2011
Modeling turnpike frontend system: A model-driven development framework leveraging UML metamodeling and attribute-oriented programming
H Wada, J Suzuki
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2005
Optimization of a fuzzy controller for fruit storage using neural networks and genetic algorithms
T Morimoto, J Suzuki, Y Hashimoto
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 10 (5), 453-461, 1997
Evolutionary multiobjective optimization for green clouds
DH Phan, J Suzuki, R Carroll, S Balasubramaniam, W Donnelly, ...
Proceedings of the 14th annual conference companion on Genetic and …, 2012
MONSOON: A coevolutionary multiobjective adaptation framework for dynamic wireless sensor networks
P Boonma, J Suzuki
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2008
Extensible and precise modeling for wireless sensor networks
B Akbal-Delibas, P Boonma, J Suzuki
International United Information Systems Conference, 551-562, 2009
Managing the software design documents with XML
J Suzuki, Y Yamamoto
Proceedings of the 16th annual international conference on Computer …, 1998
An evolutionary game theoretic approach to adaptive and stable application deployment in clouds
C Lee, J Suzuki, A Vasilakos, Y Yamamoto, K Oba
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Bio-inspired algorithms for distributed …, 2010
Changes in pre‐and in‐hospital management and outcomes for out‐of‐hospital cardiac arrest between 2002 and 2012 in K anto, J apan: the SOS‐KANTO 2012 Study
SOS‐KANTO 2012 Study Group, S Inokuchi, Y Masui, K Miura, ...
Acute Medicine & Surgery 2 (4), 225-233, 2015
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