Ravi Kumar Satzoda
Ravi Kumar Satzoda
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Cited by
Systems and methods for near-crash determination
S Sathyanarayana, RK Satzoda, S Heck
US Patent 9,928,432, 2018
Vision-based patient monitoring: a comprehensive review of algorithms and technologies
S Sathyanarayana, RK Satzoda, S Sathyanarayana, S Thambipillai
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 9, 225-251, 2018
System and method for image analysis
RK Satzoda, S Sathyanarayana
US Patent 10,037,471, 2018
Hierarchical additive Hough transform for lane detection
RK Satzoda, S Sathyanarayana, T Srikanthan, S Sathyanarayana
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters 2 (2), 23-26, 2010
Drive Analysis Using Vehicle Dynamics and Vision-Based Lane Semantics
RK Satzoda, MM Trivedi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014
System and method for driver distraction determination
L Levkova, S Heck, BO Alpert, RK Satzoda, S Sathyanarayana, V Sekar
US Patent 10,246,014, 2019
Polyformer: Referring image segmentation as sequential polygon generation
J Liu, H Ding, Z Cai, Y Zhang, RK Satzoda, V Mahadevan, R Manmatha
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Multipart vehicle detection using symmetry-derived analysis and active learning
RK Satzoda, MM Trivedi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (4), 926-937, 2015
A low error and high performance multiplexer-based truncated multiplier
CH Chang, RK Satzoda
IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems 18 (12 …, 2009
Looking at vehicles in the night: Detection and dynamics of rear lights
RK Satzoda, MM Trivedi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (12), 4297-4307, 2016
Method for determining driving policy
RK Satzoda, S Sathyanarayana, L Levkova, S Heck
US Patent 11,392,131, 2022
Parallelizing the Hough transform computation
RK Satzoda, S Suchitra, T Srikanthan
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 15, 297-300, 2008
Efficient lane and vehicle detection with integrated synergies (ELVIS)
R Kumar Satzoda, MM Trivedi
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2014
System and method for digital environment reconstruction
RK Satzoda, S Sathyanarayana, M Gleeson-May
US Patent 10,417,816, 2019
Trajectories and maneuvers of surrounding vehicles with panoramic camera arrays
JV Dueholm, MS Kristoffersen, RK Satzoda, TB Moeslund, MM Trivedi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 1 (2), 203-214, 2016
Vision-based lane analysis: Exploration of issues and approaches for embedded realization
R Satzoda, M Trivedi
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2013
System and method for contextualized vehicle operation determination
S Sathyanarayana, RK Satzoda, A Thompson, M Gleeson-May, ...
US Patent 10,430,695, 2019
Systems and methods for near-crash determination
S Sathyanarayana, RK Satzoda, S Heck
US Patent 10,268,909, 2019
Exploiting inherent parallelisms for accelerating linear Hough transform
SS Sathyanarayana, RK Satzoda, T Srikanthan
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18 (10), 2255-2264, 2009
On performance evaluation metrics for lane estimation
RK Satzoda, MM Trivedi
2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2625-2630, 2014
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Articles 1–20