Ricardo Conejo
Ricardo Conejo
Full Professor. Computer Science. (University of Malaga)
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Cited by
SIETTE: A web-based tool for adaptive testing
R Conejo, E Guzmán, E Millán, M Trella, JL Pérez-De-La-Cruz, A Ríos
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 14 (1), 29-61, 2004
Self-assessment in a feasible, adaptive web-based testing system
E Guzmán, R Conejo
IEEE transactions on Education 48 (4), 688-695, 2005
A model for student knowledge diagnosis through adaptive testing
E Guzmán, R Conejo
International conference on intelligent tutoring systems, 12-21, 2004
Improving student performance using self-assessment tests
E Guzmán, R Conejo, JL Pérez-de-la-Cruz
IEEE Intelligent Systems 22 (4), 46-52, 2007
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems: Second International Conference, AH 2002 Malaga, Spain, May 29-31, 2002 Proceedings
P De Bra, P Brusilovsky, R Conejo
Springer, 2003
A blended E-learning experience in a course of object oriented programming fundamentals
J Gálvez, E Guzmán, R Conejo
Knowledge-Based Systems 22 (4), 279-286, 2009
Internet based evaluation system
A Rios, E Millán, M Trella, JL Pérez-de-la-Cruz, R Conejo
Artificial Intelligence in Education: Open Learning Environments. IOS Press …, 1999
Introducing prerequisite relations in a multi-layered Bayesian student model
C Carmona, E Millán, JL Pérez-de-la-Cruz, M Trella, R Conejo
User Modeling 2005: 10th International Conference, UM 2005, Edinburgh …, 2005
SIGUE: making web courses adaptive
C Carmona, D Bueno, E Guzman, R Conejo
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems: Second International …, 2002
Adaptive testing for hierarchical student models
E Guzmán, R Conejo, JL Pérez-de-la-Cruz
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 17, 119-157, 2007
Personal attributes of authors and reviewers, social bias and the outcomes of peer review: a case study
R Walker, B Barros, R Conejo, K Neumann, M Telefont
F1000Research 4, 2015
An adaptive web-based component for cognitive ability estimation
I Arroyo, R Conejo, E Guzman, BP Woolf
Proc. of AI-ED, 456-466, 2001
The SIETTE automatic assessment environment
R Conejo, E Guzmán, M Trella
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 26, 270-292, 2016
MEDEA: An open service-based learning platform for developing intelligent educational systems for the Web
M Trella, C Carmona, R Conejo
Workshop on Adaptive Systems for Web-Based Education: tools and reusability …, 2005
Modelado del alumno: un enfoque bayesiano
R Conejo, E Millán, JLP de la Cruz, M Trella
Inteligencia Artificial. Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 5 …, 2001
An empirical approach to on-line learning in SIETTE
R Conejo, E Millán, JL Pérez-de-la-Cruz, M Trella
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 5th International Conference, ITS 2000 …, 2000
INGRID: A web service tool for hierarchical open learner model visualization
R Conejo, M Trella, I Cruces, R Garcia
Advances in User Modeling: UMAP 2011 Workshops, Girona, Spain, July 11-15 …, 2012
An authoring environment for adaptive testing
E Guzmán, R Conejo, E García-Hervás
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 8 (3), 66-76, 2005
An empirical study on the quantitative notion of task difficulty
R Conejo, E Guzmán, JL Perez-De-La-Cruz, B Barros
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (2), 594-606, 2014
A learner model in a distributed environment
C Carmona, R Conejo
International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based …, 2004
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Articles 1–20