Nam H. Hoang
Cited by
Cited by
Multiclass dynamic system optimum solution for mixed traffic of human-driven and automated vehicles considering physical queues
D Ngoduy, NH Hoang, HL Vu, D Watling
Transportation research part B: methodological 145, 56-79, 2021
A linear bus rapid transit with transit signal priority formulation
T Islam, HL Vu, NH Hoang, A Cricenti
Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 114, 163-184, 2018
Optimal queue placement in dynamic system optimum solutions for single origin-destination traffic networks
D Ngoduy, NH Hoang, HL Vu, D Watling
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 92, 148-169, 2016
A novel metamodel-based framework for large-scale dynamic origin–destination demand calibration
T Dantsuji, NH Hoang, N Zheng, HL Vu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 136, 103545, 2022
A framework for railway transit network design with first-mile shared autonomous vehicles
A Shan, NH Hoang, K An, HL Vu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 130, 103223, 2021
A unified activity-based framework for one-way car-sharing services in multi-modal transportation networks
TK Nguyen, NH Hoang, HL Vu
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 157, 102551, 2022
A system optimal speed advisory framework for a network of connected and autonomous vehicles
CHP Nguyen, NH Hoang, S Lee, HL Vu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (6), 5727-5739, 2021
A linear framework for dynamic user equilibrium traffic assignment in a single origin-destination capacitated network
NH Hoang, HL Vu, M Panda, HK Lo
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2017
A stochastic behaviour model of a personal mobility under heterogeneous low-carbon traffic flow
S Lee, I Ryu, D Ngoduy, NH Hoang, K Choi
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 128, 103163, 2021
An informed user equilibrium dynamic traffic assignment problem in a multiple origin-destination stochastic network
NH Hoang, HL Vu, HK Lo
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 115, 207-230, 2018
A joint trajectory planning and signal control framework for a network of connected and autonomous vehicles
CHP Nguyen, NH Hoang, HL Vu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (5), 5052-5068, 2023
Modeling autonomous vehicles deployment in a multilane AV zone with mixed traffic
K Roy, NH Hoang, HL Vu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (12), 23708-23720, 2022
Enhancing Covid-19 virus spread modeling using an activity travel model
TK Nguyen, NH Hoang, G Currie, HL Vu
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 161, 186-199, 2022
Influence ranking of road segments in urban road traffic networks
T Anwar, C Liu, HL Vu, MS Islam, D Yu, N Hoang
Computing 102, 2333-2360, 2020
A new framework for mixed-user dynamic traffic assignment considering delay and accessibility to information
NH Hoang, M Panda, HL Vu, D Ngoduy, HK Lo
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 146, 103977, 2023
Designing railway transit network with first-mile access via ride-sharing autonomous vehicle service
A Shan, K An, NH Hoang, HL Vu
Travel Behaviour and Society 35, 100709, 2024
Convex signal control model in a single-destination dynamic traffic assignment
NH Hoang, HL Vu, M Smith, N Dong
2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2016
The accuracy of cell-based dynamic traffic assignment: Impact of signal control on system optimality
T Islam, HL Vu, M Panda, N Hoang, D Ngoduy
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.03759, 2017
The dynamic traffic assignment models with real-time information
NH Hoang
Swinburne, 2018
A Dynamic, Activity-Based Model Considering Free-Floating Carsharing Service
TK Nguyen, NH Hoang, VL Hai
Transportation Research Board 101st Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2022
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Articles 1–20