Jim Budd
Jim Budd
Professor of Industrial Design
確認したメール アドレス: design.gatech.edu
Don't mind me touching my wrist: a case study of interacting with on-body technology in public
HP Profita, J Clawson, S Gilliland, C Zeagler, T Starner, J Budd, EYL Do
Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 89-96, 2013
The social comfort of wearable technology and gestural interaction
LE Dunne, H Profita, C Zeagler, J Clawson, S Gilliland, EYL Do, J Budd
2014 36th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2014
Kurio: a museum guide for families
R Wakkary, M Hatala, K Muise, K Tanenbaum, G Corness, B Mohabbati, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded …, 2009
Joinery: Parametric joint generation for laser cut assemblies
C Zheng, EYL Do, J Budd
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 63-74, 2017
PageCraft: learning in context a tangible interactive storytelling platform to support early narrative development for young children
J Budd, K Madej, J Stephens-Wells, J de Jong, E Katzur, L Mulligan
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Interaction design and …, 2007
Industrial design education: Taming technology to enhance user experience
J Budd, W Wang
Archives of Design Research 30 (3), 28-37, 2017
Experience structuring factors affecting learning in family visits to museums
M Hatala, K Tanenbaum, R Wakkary, K Muise, B Mohabbati, G Corness, ...
Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines: 4th European Conference on …, 2009
Designing the product-service system for autonomous vehicles
W Wang, F Zhou, W Li, J Budd
IT Professional 20 (6), 62-69, 2019
Industrial design to experience design: searching for new common ground
J Budd, R Taylor, R Wakkary, D Evernden
ICSID 2nd educational conference 2003 Hanover, 137-141, 2003
Cross-dressing and border crossing: exploring experience methods across disciplines
R Wakkary, T Schiphorst, J Budd
CHI'04 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1709-1710, 2004
Can Industrial Design Education Turn the Corner: Setting a New Trajectory for the Future of Industrial Design Education
J Budd
Proceedings of the 2011 IDSA National Design Educator's Conference, 2011
The Integration Project: A New Educational Model for Interactive Product Design
J Budd, R Wakkary
Innovation: Journal of the Industrial Designers Society of America 2005 …, 2005
R. and Evernden, D.(2005) Industrial Design to Experience Design: Searching for New Common Ground
JT Budd, R Wakkary
Sensor and Electronics Educational Database: Using Technology to Teach Technology
J Budd, H Daniels, W Wang, O Hitson, K Tseng
EDULEARN17 Proceedings, 6716-6725, 2017
The integration project: A new educational model for interactive product design: validating utility, performance, and experience
J Budd, R Wakkary
IDSA 2005 National Education Conference, Alexandria, VA, 45-53, 2005
The experiential interface: Creating emotionally engaging spaces
D Leo, J Budd
Retrieved May, 2004
Interface and narrative texture
B Lin, J Bizzocchi, J Budd
Interactive Product Design Lab (IPDL) at Georgia Tech
J Budd
Interactions 19 (2), 82-85, 2012
A new educational model for interactive product design: The integration project
J Budd, R Wakkary
Innovation, Quarterly of the Industrial Designers Society of America, Winter …, 2005
When the World Talks Back: Exploring the Future of Interactive Products
J Budd, D Evernden
Proceedings of National IDSA Educational Conference, New York, ABD, 33-37, 2003
論文 1–20