Jaewoon Jeong
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Cited by
Stochastic model of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus control strategies on a swine farm in the United States
J Jeong, SS Aly, JP Cano, D Polson, PH Kass, AM Perez
American Journal of Veterinary Research 75 (3), 260-267, 2014
Risk assessment for salmonellosis in chicken in South Korea: the effect of Salmonella concentration in chicken at retail
J Jeong, JW Chon, H Kim, KY Song, KH Seo
Korean journal for food science of animal resources 38 (5), 1043, 2018
Persistent infections support maintenance of a coronavirus in a population of Australian bats (Myotis macropus)
J Jeong, CS Smith, AJ Peel, RK Plowright, DH Kerlin, J McBroom, ...
Epidemiology & Infection 145 (10), 2053-2061, 2017
Synergistic effects of heat-killed kefir paraprobiotics and flavonoid-rich prebiotics on western diet-induced obesity
KH Seo, J Jeong, H Kim
Nutrients 12 (8), 2465, 2020
Salmon lice should be managed before they attach to salmon: exploring epidemiological factors affecting Lepeophtheirus salmonis abundance on salmon farms
J Jeong, M Stormoen, GF McEwan, KK Thakur, CW Revie
Aquaculture 541, 736792, 2021
Targets and measures: Challenges associated with reporting low sea lice levels on Atlantic salmon farms
J Jeong, G Arriagada, CW Revie
Aquaculture 563, 738865, 2023
Appropriate sampling strategies to estimate sea lice prevalence on salmon farms with low infestation levels
J Jeong, CW Revie
Aquaculture 518, 734858, 2020
Using stochastic modeling to predict the effect of culling and colony dispersal of bats on zoonotic viral epidemics
J Jeong, H McCallum
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 21 (5), 369-377, 2021
Quantifying key parameters related to the life cycle of Caligus rogercresseyi
J Jeong, GF McEwan, G Arriagada, C Gallardo‐Escárate, CW Revie
Journal of Fish Diseases 45 (1), 219-224, 2022
Epidemiological aspects of pathogenic microbial foodborne disease outbreaks in Korea and Japan from 2011 to 2015
이명진, 송광영, 이원창, 천정환, 김현숙, 정재운, 배동렬, 서건호
예방수의학회지 43 (2), 62-67, 2019
Longitudinal dissolved oxygen patterns in Atlantic salmon aquaculture sites in British Columbia, Canada
J Jeong, B Awosile, KK Thakur, H Stryhn, B Boyce, R Vanderstichel
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1289375, 2024
Quantitative risk assessment model for salmonellosis in chicken skewers from street food vendors in South Korea
J Jeong, H Kim, KH Seo
Journal of food protection 82 (6), 955-962, 2019
Imperfect Estimation of Lepeophtheirus salmonis Abundance and Its Impact on Salmon Lice Treatment on Atlantic Salmon Farms
J Jeong, M Stormoen, KK Thakur, CW Revie
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 763206, 2021
The persistence of a SIR disease in a metapopulation: Hendra virus epidemics in Australian black flying foxes (Pteropus alecto)
J Jeong, H McCallum
Australian Journal of Zoology 69 (1), 1-11, 2021
Estimation of prevalence and sampling to estimate prevalence of Bovine Tuberculosis
H Yoon, J Jeong, WJ Jeon
Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine 37 (1), 19-23, 2013
Wild salmon migration routes influence sea lice infestations: An agent-based model predicting farm-related infestations on juvenile salmon
J Jeong, G McEwan
Plos one 19 (8), e0309215, 2024
Web‐based application to guide sampling on salmon farms for more precise estimation of sea louse abundance
J Jeong, CW Revie
North American Journal of Aquaculture 86 (3), 359-366, 2024
Effects of Waning Maternal Immunity on Infection Dynamics in Seasonally Breeding Wildlife
J Jeong, H McCallum
EcoHealth 18 (2), 194-203, 2021
Kartlegging og testing av metodikk for telling av lakselus og beregning av luseforekomst
I Solberg, B Finstad, HH Berntsen, OH Diserud, K Frank, KO Helgessen, ...
Norwegian Institute for Natural Research, 2018
Epidemic Modelling Studies of Hendra virus and Coronavirus in Australian Bats
Griffith University, 2017
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Articles 1–20