Sabrina Bresciani
Sabrina Bresciani
確認したメール アドレス: polimi.it - ホームページ
Brand new ventures? Insights on start‐ups' branding practices
S Bresciani, MJ Eppler
Journal of Product & Brand Management 19 (5), 356-366, 2010
New business models through collaborative idea generation
MJ Eppler, F Hoffmann, S Bresciani
International journal of innovation management 15 (06), 1323-1341, 2011
The pitfalls of visual representations: A review and classification of common errors made while designing and interpreting visualizations
S Bresciani, MJ Eppler
Sage Open 5 (4), 2158244015611451, 2015
The risks of visualization
S Bresciani, MJ Eppler
Identität und Vielfalt der Kommunikations-wissenschaft (2009), 165-178, 2009
The benefits of synchronous collaborative information visualization: Evidence from an experimental evaluation
S Bresciani, MJ Eppler
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 15 (6), 1073-1080, 2009
New brand logo design: customers’ preference for brand name and icon
S Bresciani, P Del Ponte
Journal of Brand Management 24 (5), 375-390, 2017
The use of visualization in the communication of business strategies: An experimental evaluation
S Kernbach, MJ Eppler, S Bresciani
International Journal of Business Communication 52 (2), 164-187, 2015
Visualization in management: From communication to collaboration. A response to Zhang
MJ Eppler, S Bresciani
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 24 (2), 146-149, 2013
A Collaborative Dimensions Framework: Understanding the mediating role of conceptual visualizations in collaborative knowledge work
S Bresciani, AF Blackwell, M Eppler
Proceedings of the 41st annual hawaii international conference on system …, 2008
Visual design thinking: A collaborative dimensions framework to profile visualisations
S Bresciani
Design Studies 63, 92-124, 2019
What is knowledge visualization? perspectives on an emerging discipline
S Bertschi, S Bresciani, T Crawford, R Goebel, W Kienreich, M Lindner, ...
2011 15th International Conference on Information Visualisation, 329-336, 2011
Slip-sliding-away: A review of the literature on the constraining qualities of PowerPoint
S Kernbach, S Bresciani, MJ Eppler
Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 78 (3), 292-313, 2015
Social media platforms for social good
S Bresciani, A Schmeil
2012 6th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and …, 2012
Choosing knowledge visualizations to augment cognition: The managers' view
S Bresciani, MJ Eppler
2010 14th International Conference Information Visualisation, 355-360, 2010
Seven types of visual ambiguity: On the merits and risks of multiple interpretations of collaborative visualizations
MJ Eppler, J Mengis, S Bresciani
2008 12th International Conference Information Visualisation, 391-396, 2008
Visual Replay Methodology: A Mixed Methods Approach for Group Discussion Analysis
E Alexander, J Eppler, Martin, S Bresciani
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 13 (1), 33-51, 2019
Gartner's magic quadrant and hype cycle
S Bresciani, MJ Eppler
Institute of Marketing and Communication Management (IMCA), Universita della …, 2008
Extending tam to information visualization: A framework for evaluation
S Bresciani, M Eppler
Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation 18 (1), pp46‑58-pp46‑58, 2015
Facilitating culturally diverse groups with visual templates in collaborative systems: Increasing structuration to improve precision
S Bresciani, A Comi
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management 24 (1), 78-98, 2017
We walk the line: Icons provisional appearances on virtual whiteboards trigger elaborative dialogue and creativity
L McGrath, S Bresciani, MJ Eppler
Computers in Human Behavior 63, 717-726, 2016
論文 1–20