Rasmus Elsborg Madsen
Rasmus Elsborg Madsen
UNEEG medical
確認したメール アドレス: uneeg.com
Modeling word burstiness using the Dirichlet distribution
RE Madsen, D Kauchak, C Elkan
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Machine learning, 545-552, 2005
Channel selection for automatic seizure detection
J Duun-Henriksen, TW Kjaer, RE Madsen, LS Remvig, CE Thomsen, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 123 (1), 84-92, 2012
Automated detection of hypoglycemia-induced EEG changes recorded by subcutaneous electrodes in subjects with type 1 diabetes—the brain as a biosensor
CB Juhl, K Højlund, R Elsborg, MK Poulsen, PE Selmar, JJ Holst, ...
Diabetes research and clinical practice 88 (1), 22-28, 2010
Pruning the vocabulary for better context recognition
RE Madsen, S Sigurdsson, LK Hansen, J Larsen
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2004
Detection of hypoglycemia associated EEG changes during sleep in type 1 diabetes mellitus
LS Snogdal, L Folkestad, R Elsborg, LS Remvig, H Beck-Nielsen, ...
Diabetes research and clinical practice 98 (1), 91-97, 2012
EEG signal quality of a subcutaneous recording system compared to standard surface electrodes
J Duun-Henriksen, TW Kjaer, D Looney, MD Atkins, JA Sørensen, M Rose, ...
Journal of Sensors 2015 (1), 341208, 2015
Automatic detection of childhood absence epilepsy seizures: toward a monitoring device
J Duun-Henriksen, RE Madsen, LS Remvig, CE Thomsen, HBD Sorensen, ...
Pediatric neurology 46 (5), 287-292, 2012
Hypoglycemia-related electroencephalogram changes are independent of gender, age, duration of diabetes, and awareness status in type 1 diabetes
LS Remvig, R Elsborg, AS Sejling, JA Sørensen, LS Snogdal, L Folkestad, ...
Journal of diabetes science and technology 6 (6), 1337-1344, 2012
Analysis of EEG signals to detect hypoglycaemia
H Beck-Nielsen, RE Madsen
US Patent 8,298,140, 2012
Hvad virker i aktiveringsindsatsen?
T Bredgaard, HH Jørgensen, R Madsen, MR Dahl, C Hansen
Beskæftigelsesregion Nordjylland, 2011
Analysis of EEG signals to detect hypoglycaemia
RE Madsen, RS Jensen
US Patent 10,327,656, 2019
Hypoglycemia-associated electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram changes appear simultaneously
A Larsen, K Højlund, MK Poulsen, RE Madsen, CB Juhl
Journal of diabetes science and technology 7 (1), 93-99, 2013
Subdural to subgaleal EEG signal transmission: the role of distance, leakage and insulating affectors
J Duun-Henriksen, TW Kjaer, RE Madsen, B Jespersen, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 124 (8), 1570-1577, 2013
Detecting hypoglycemia by using the brain as a biosensor
R Elsborg, L Remvig, H Beck-Nielsen, C Juhl
Biosensors for health, environment and biosecurity, 2011
Automatic seizure detection: going from sEEG to iEEG
J Henriksen, LS Remvig, RE Madsen, I Conradsen, TW Kjaer, ...
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
Part-of-speech enhanced context recognition
RE Madsen, J Larsen, LK Hansen
Proceedings of the 2004 14th IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop Machine …, 2004
Implantable electronic devices for detecting hypoglycaemia using eeg signals
R Madsen, H Beck-Nielsen
US Patent 8,849,368, 2014
Goal-directed therapy with bolus albumin 5% is not superior to bolus ringer acetate in maintaining systemic and mesenteric oxygen delivery in major upper abdominal surgery: a …
J Bisgaard, R Madsen, LL Dybdal, JT Lauridsen, MB Mortensen, ...
European Journal of Anaesthesiology| EJA 37 (6), 491-502, 2020
Using the brain as a biosensor to detect hypoglycemia
R Elsborg, LS Remvig, H Beck-Nielsen, CB Juhl
Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity. Rijeka, Croatia InTech …, 2011
Vocabulary pruning for improved context recognition
RE Madsen, S Sigurdsson, LK Hansen, J Larsen
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks …, 2004
論文 1–20