Weiquan Lu
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Cited by
Communications support for disaster recovery operations using hybrid mobile ad-hoc networks
W Lu, WKG Seah, EWC Peh, Y Ge
32nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2007), 763-770, 2007
Subtle cueing for visual search in augmented reality
W Lu, BLH Duh, S Feiner
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR …, 2012
Effects of mobile AR-enabled interactions on retention and transfer for learning in art museum contexts
W Lu, LC Nguyen, TL Chuah, EYL Do
Mixed and Augmented Reality-Media, Art, Social Science, Humanities and …, 2014
Positioning, tracking and mapping for outdoor augmentation
J Karlekar, SZY Zhou, W Lu, ZC Loh, Y Nakayama, D Hii
2010 ieee international symposium on mixed and augmented reality, 175-184, 2010
Attributes of subtle cues for facilitating visual search in augmented reality
W Lu, HBL Duh, S Feiner, Q Zhao
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 20 (3), 404-412, 2013
Model-based localization and drift-free user tracking for outdoor augmented reality
J Karlekar, SZY Zhou, Y Nakayama, W Lu, ZC Loh, D Hii
2010 ieee international conference on multimedia and expo, 1178-1183, 2010
Robust pose estimation for outdoor mixed reality with sensor fusion
Z Zhou, J Karlekar, D Hii, M Schneider, W Lu, S Wittkopf
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services …, 2009
Outdoor mobile augmented reality for past and future on-site architectural visualizations
DHJ Chung, SZ Zhiying, J Karlekar, M Schneider, W Lu
Using digital game as clinical screening test to detect color deficiency in young children
LC Nguyen, W Lu, EYL Do, A Chia, Y Wang
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Interaction design and children, 337-340, 2014
Subtle cueing for visual search in head-tracked head worn displays
W Lu, D Feng, S Feiner, Q Zhao, HBL Duh
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR …, 2013
Mixed reality on mobile devices
J Karlekar, D Hii, SZY Zhou, W Lu, Y Nakayama
INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2010
Evaluating subtle cueing in head-worn displays
W Lu, D Feng, S Feiner, Q Zhao, HBL Duh
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Chinese CHI, 5-10, 2014
Sensorendipity: a real-time web-enabled smartphone sensor platform for idea generation and prototyping
W Lu, C Sun, T Bleeker, Y You, S Kitazawa, EYL Do
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Chinese CHI, 11-18, 2014
Virtual interactive human anatomy: dissecting the domain, navigating the politics, creating the impossible
W Lu, S Pillai, K Rajendran, Y Kitamura, CC Yen, EYL Do
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2017
WildAR: Creating a Networked AR System for" In-the-Wild" Studies
W Lu, MJ Lee, TL Chuah, CK Lee, ZY Lim, EYL Do
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality-Media, Art …, 2015
A browser-based perceptual experiment platform for visual search study in augmented reality system
D Feng, D Weng, W Lu, C Sun, EYL Do
2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and …, 2013
A Study on AR Authoring using Mobile Devices for Educators
K Chu, W Lu, K Oka, K Takashima, Y Kitamura
Exploring in-the-Wild Game-Based Gesture Data Collection
K Oka, W Lu, K Özacar, K Takashima, Y Kitamura
Human-Computer Interaction-INTERACT 2017: 16th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2017
Virtual Interactive Human Anatomy
Y Kitamura, K Rajendran, W Lu, EYL Do, S Pillai, CC Yen
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2017
Enjoyment and Satisfaction as Details for Kinetic Learning
W Lu, MJ Lee, CK Lee, LC Nguyen, EYL Do, KNUSC Center
Proceedings of International Conference of the learning Sciences ICLS 2016 2 …, 2016
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Articles 1–20