Pierre-Benoit Joly
Pierre-Benoit Joly
Directeur de recherche, INRAE, LISIS
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Cited by
Taking European knowledge society seriously. Report of the expert group on science and governance to the Science, Economy and Society Directorate, Directorate-General for …
U Felt, B Wynne, M Callon, ME Gonçalves, S Jasanoff, M Jepsen, PB Joly, ...
Office des Publications Officielles des Communautés Européennes, 2007
On the Economics of Techno-scientific Promises
PB Joly
Akrich, M., Barthe, Y., Muniesa, F., Mustar, P. (eds.) Débordements …, 2010
Sciences, techniques et société
C Bonneuil, PB Joly
La Découverte, 2013
Les sciences participatives en France. État des lieux, bonnes pratiques et recommandations
F Houllier, JB Merilhou-Goudard
ASIRPA: A comprehensive theory-based approach to assessing the societal impacts of a research organization
PB Joly, A Gaunand, L Colinet, P Larédo, S Lemarié, M Matt
Research Evaluation 24 (4), 440-453, 2015
Profile of public laboratories, industrial partnerships and organisation of R & D: the dynamics of industrial relationships in a large research organisation
PB Joly, V Mangematin
Research policy 25 (6), 901-922, 1996
Lost in translation? The need for ‘upstream engagement’with nanotechnology on trial
PB Joly, A Kaufmann
Science as Culture 17 (3), 225-247, 2008
Innover autrement? La recherche face à l'avènement d'un nouveau régime de production et de régulation des savoirs en génétique végétale
C Bonneuil, E Demeulenaere, F Thomas, PB Joly, G Allaire, I Goldringer
Dossiers de l'environnement de l'INRA, 29-51, 2006
Disentrenching experiment: The construction of GM—crop field trials as a social problem
C Bonneuil, PB Joly, C Marris
Science, Technology, & Human Values 33 (2), 201-229, 2008
Du risque à la menace: penser la catastrophe
D Bourg, A Kaufmann, PB Joly
Puf, 2014
Science in Society: caring for our futures in turbulent times
U Felt, D Barben, A Irwin, PB Joly, A Rip, A Stirling, T Stöckelová
Policy briefing 50, 2013
Reinventing innovation
M Joly, P.-B., Rip, A., & Callon
Governance of innovation, 19-32, 2010
Le régime des promesses technoscientifique
PB Joly
Sciences et technologies émergentes: pourquoi tant de promesses?, np, 2015
Responsible innovation as a critique of technology assessment
H Van Lente, T Swierstra, PB Joly
Journal of Responsible Innovation 4 (2), 254-261, 2017
Between consensus and citizens: public participation in technology assessment in France
C Marris, PB Joly
Science & Technology Studies 12 (2), 3-32, 1999
An analysis of innovation strategies and industrial differentiation through patent applications: the case of plant biotechnology
PB Joly, MA de Looze
Research Policy 25 (7), 1027-1046, 1996
Opening the black box of impact–Ideal-type impact pathways in a public agricultural research organization
M Matt, A Gaunand, PB Joly, L Colinet
Research Policy 46 (1), 207-218, 2017
Les OGM entre la science et le public? Quatre modèles pour la gouvernance de l'innovation et des risques
PB Joly
Économie rurale 266 (1), 11-29, 2001
Appropriation et régulation des innovations biotechnologiques: pour une comparaison transatlantique
JP Gaudillière, PB Joly
Sociologie du travail 48 (3), 330-349, 2006
Mapping the emergence of synthetic biology
B Raimbault, JP Cointet, PB Joly
PloS one 11 (9), e0161522, 2016
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Articles 1–20