Renato Henriques
Renato Henriques
Professor Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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Cited by
A methodology for digital twin modeling and deployment for industry 4.0
GN Schroeder, C Steinmetz, RN Rodrigues, RVB Henriques, A Rettberg, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 109 (4), 556-567, 2020
A model-based approach for data integration to improve maintenance management by mixed reality
DB Espíndola, L Fumagalli, M Garetti, CE Pereira, SSC Botelho, ...
Computers in industry 64 (4), 376-391, 2013
Fault detection, diagnosis and prediction in electrical valves using self-organizing maps
LF Gonçalves, JL Bosa, TR Balen, MS Lubaszewski, EL Schneider, ...
Journal of Electronic Testing 27, 551-564, 2011
An EnOcean wearable device with fall detection algorithm integrated with a smart home system
GG Torres, RVB Henriques, CE Pereira, I Müller
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (10), 9-14, 2018
MDE-based development of a multispectral camera for precision agriculture
D Doering, MR Vizzotto, C Bredemeier, CM Da Costa, RVB Henriques, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (30), 24-29, 2016
Using mixed reality in the visualization of maintenance processes
DB Espíndola, CE Pereira, RVB Henriques, SS Botelho
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (3), 30-35, 2010
A simplified approach to motion estimation in a UAV using two filters
G Schmitz, T Alves, R Henriques, E Freitas, E El'Youssef
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (30), 325-330, 2016
Parametric identification and controller design for a differential-drive mobile robot
TG Alves, WF Lages, RVB Henriques
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (15), 437-442, 2018
Arquitetura Aberta para Retrofitting de robôs
WF Lages, RVB Henriques, AQ Bracarense
Manet Notes Workshop, 2003
Uso de mesa tangível na educação inclusiva
E Preuss, MB Vieira, KS Coutinho, RVB Henriques, S Baldassarri
Anais do XXXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 742-751, 2020
Uso de técnicas de inteligência artificial num sistema de mesa tangível
E Preuss, DAC Barone, RVB Henriques
Anais do XXVI Workshop de Informática na Escola, 439-448, 2020
Asistranto: An Assistive Educational Platform for Promotion of Interest in Autistic Children
RP Lima, LM Passerino, RVB Henriques, E Preuss, M Bercht
Procedia Computer Science 160, 385-393, 2019
Control of a biped robot using the robot operating system
EH Maciel, RVB Henriques, WF Lages
2014 Joint Conference on Robotics: SBR-LARS Robotics Symposium and …, 2014
Improving maintenance operations through application of mixed reality systems
DB Espíndola, CE Pereira, E Schneider, R Ventura
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (7), 11-16, 2013
Analysis and design of an embedded system to aid the navigation of the visually impaired
CSS Guimarães, RVB Henriques, CE Pereira
2013 ISSNIP Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference: Biosignals and Robotics …, 2013
Fault prediction in electrical valves using temporal Kohonen maps
LF Gonçalves, EL Schneider, RVB Henriques, M Lubaszewski, JL Bosa, ...
2010 11th Latin American Test Workshop, 1-6, 2010
Tracking system proposal of walking sticks aiming the orientation and mobility of the visually impaired
CSS Guimares, RVB Henriques, CE Pereira
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (30), 161-166, 2016
Embedded systems solutions for fault detection and prediction in electrical valves
LB Piccoli, RVB Henriques, E Fabres, EL Schneider, CE Pereira
Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM …, 2014
A systematic approach to intelligent maintenance of production systems with a framework for embedded implementation
ER Lapira, B Bagheri, W Zhao, J Lee, RVB Henriques, CE Pereira, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (7), 23-28, 2013
Impact analysis of electrical fast transients on FlexRay in-vehicle networks
A dos Santos Roque, DH Pohren, RVB Henriques, EP de Freitas, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 63 (1), 294-303, 2020
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Articles 1–20