Masaya Kunimi
Mean-field and stability analyses of two-dimensional flowing soft-core bosons modeling a supersolid
M Kunimi, Y Kato
Physical Review B 86 (6), 060510, 2012
Ultrafast creation of overlapping Rydberg electrons in an atomic BEC and Mott-insulator lattice
M Mizoguchi, Y Zhang, M Kunimi, A Tanaka, S Takeda, N Takei, V Bharti, ...
Physical Review Letters 124, 253201, 2020
Nonequilibrium dynamics induced by miscible–immiscible transition in binary Bose–Einstein condensates
Y Eto, M Takahashi, M Kunimi, H Saito, T Hirano
New Journal of Physics 18 (7), 073029, 2016
Bouncing motion and penetration dynamics in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates
Y Eto, M Takahashi, K Nabeta, R Okada, M Kunimi, H Saito, T Hirano
Physical Review A 93 (3), 033615, 2016
Picosecond-Scale Ultrafast Many-Body Dynamics in an Ultracold Rydberg-Excited Atomic Mott Insulator
V Bharti, S Sugawa, M Mizoguchi, M Kunimi, Y Zhang, S de Léséleuc, ...
Physical Review Letters 131 (12), 123201, 2023
Decay mechanisms of superflow of Bose-Einstein condensates in ring traps
M Kunimi, I Danshita
Physical Review A 99 (4), 043613, 2019
Metastability, excitations, fluctuations, and multiple-swallowtail structures of a superfluid in a Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of a uniformly moving defect
M Kunimi, Y Kato
Physical Review A 91 (5), 053608, 2015
Performance evaluation of the discrete truncated Wigner approximation for quench dynamics of quantum spin systems with long-range interactions
M Kunimi, K Nagao, S Goto, I Danshita
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013060, 2021
Semiclassical quench dynamics of Bose gases in optical lattices
K Nagao, M Kunimi, Y Takasu, Y Takahashi, I Danshita
Physical Review A 99 (2), 023622, 2019
Suppression of relative flow by multiple domains in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates
Y Eto, M Kunimi, H Tokita, H Saito, T Hirano
Physical Review A 92 (1), 013611, 2015
Thermally activated phase slips of one-dimensional Bose gases in shallow optical lattices
M Kunimi, I Danshita
Physical Review A 95 (3), 033637, 2017
Proposal for simulating quantum spin models with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction using Rydberg atoms and the construction of asymptotic quantum many-body scar states
M Kunimi, T Tomita, H Katsura, Y Kato
Physical Review A 110 (4), 043312, 2024
Josephson effects in one-dimensional supersolids
M Kunimi, Y Nagai, Y Kato
Physical Review B 84 (9), 094521, 2011
Nonergodic dynamics of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with a trapping potential
M Kunimi, I Danshita
Physical Review A 104 (4), 043322, 2021
Nonequilibrium steady states of Bose-Einstein condensates with a local particle loss in double potential barriers
M Kunimi, I Danshita
Physical Review A 100 (6), 063617, 2019
Strong Spin-Motion Coupling in the Ultrafast Dynamics of Rydberg Atoms
V Bharti, S Sugawa, M Kunimi, VS Chauhan, TP Mahesh, M Mizoguchi, ...
Physical Review Letters 133 (9), 093405, 2024
Upper bound of one-magnon excitation and lower bound of effective mass for ferromagnetic spinor Bose and Fermi gases
M Kunimi, H Saito
Physical Review A 91 (4), 043624, 2015
Metastable spin textures and Nambu-Goldstone modes of a ferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a ring trap
M Kunimi
Physical Review A 90 (6), 063632, 2014
Quantum many-body scars in the Bose-Hubbard model with a three-body constraint
R Kaneko, M Kunimi, I Danshita
Physical Review A 109 (1), L011301, 2024
Energy shift of magnons in a ferromagnetic spinor-dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate
H Saito, M Kunimi
Physical Review A 91 (4), 041603, 2015
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