Ohkubo Yusaku
Ohkubo Yusaku
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Do green park characteristics influence human-wildlife distance in arboreal squirrels?
K Uchida, T Yamazaki, Y Ohkubo, H Yanagawa
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 58, 126952, 2021
Activity of invasive slug Limax maximus in relation to climate conditions based on citizen's observations and novel regularization based statistical approaches
Y Morii, Y Ohkubo, S Watanabe
Science of the Total Environment 637, 1061-1068, 2018
The benefits of grouping as a main driver of social evolution in a halictine bee
Y Ohkubo, T Yamamoto, N Ogusu, S Watanabe, Y Murakami, N Yagi, ...
Science Advances 4 (10), e1700741, 2018
Male guppies change courtship behaviour in response to their own quality relative to that of a rival male
T Yoshikawa, Y Ohkubo, K Karino, E Hasegawa
Animal behaviour 118, 33-37, 2016
Spillover and spillback risks of ectoparasites by an invasive squirrel Callosciurus erythraeus in Kanto region of Japan
H Katahira, Y Eguchi, S Hirose, Y Ohtani, A Banzai, Y Ohkubo, ...
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 19, 1-8, 2022
Difference in evolutionary patterns of strongly or weakly selected characters among ant populations
S Imai, K Kobayashi, Y Ohkubo, N Yagi, E Hasegawa
Scientific reports 6 (1), 39451, 2016
Heritable effects on caste determination and colony-level sex allocation in termites under field conditions
M Takata, S Nagai, T Inagaki, Y Ohkubo, E Tasaki, K Matsuura
Iscience 26 (3), 2023
Morph-Specific Weapon-Correlated Traits in a Male Dimorphic Stag Beetle Prosopocoilus inclinatus, (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
J Ito, Y Ohkubo, E Hasegawa
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 110 (3), 281-285, 2017
Foraging predicts the evolution of warning coloration and mimicry in snakes
Y Kojima, RK Ito, I Fukuyama, Y Ohkubo, AM Durso
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (11), e2318857121, 2024
The habitat use and trophic niche comparisons among closely related land snails in Northeast Asia
Y Morii, Y Ohkubo, G Kanaya, L Prozorova
Population Ecology 64 (4), 282-299, 2022
Cricket mate selection as a spatial discounting phenomenon without learning
Y Ohkubo, J Yoshimura, E Hasegawa
Journal of Ethology 36, 229-233, 2018
A novel phylogenetic comparative method for evaluating the strength of branch-specific directional selection
Y Ohkubo, N Kutsukake, I Koizumi
Evolution 77 (1), 63-82, 2023
Revisiting the two predominant statistical problems: the stopping-rule problem and the catch-all hypothesis problem
Y Ohkubo
Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 30, 23-41, 2021
Hereditary nature of death-feigning frequency in a parasitoid wasp Heterospilus prosopidis using sib analysis
H Fujioka, T Miyatake, Y Ohkubo, M Shimada
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 37 (8), 978-985, 2024
Data from: Foraging predicts the evolution of warning coloration and mimicry in snakes
Y Kojima, R Ito, I Fukuyama, Y Ohkubo, A Durso
Dryad, 2024
On the phylogenetic comparative analysis of directional evolution by Approximate Bayesian Computation
北海道大学, 2019
p 値とは何だったのか: Fisher の有意性検定と Neyman-Pearson の仮説検定を超えるために
大久保祐作, 會場健大
生物科学= Biological science/日本生物科学者協会 編 70 (4), 238-251, 2019
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Articles 1–17