Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment: what are the big questions? ABA Boxall, MA Rudd, BW Brooks, DJ Caldwell, K Choi, S Hickmann, ... Environmental health perspectives 120 (9), 1221-1229, 2012 | 1513 | 2012 |
Intersex and reproductive impairment of wild fish exposed to multiple municipal wastewater discharges GR Tetreault, CJ Bennett, K Shires, B Knight, MR Servos, ME McMaster Aquatic Toxicology 104 (3-4), 278-290, 2011 | 305 | 2011 |
Distribution, partitioning and bioaccumulation of substituted diphenylamine antioxidants and benzotriazole UV stabilizers in an urban creek in Canada Z Lu, AO De Silva, TE Peart, CJ Cook, GR Tetreault, MR Servos, ... Environmental science & technology 50 (17), 9089-9097, 2016 | 119 | 2016 |
Potential endocrine disruption of sexual development in free ranging male northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) and green frogs (Rana clamitans) from areas of intensive row … TV McDaniel, PA Martin, J Struger, J Sherry, CH Marvin, ME McMaster, ... Aquatic Toxicology 88 (4), 230-242, 2008 | 119 | 2008 |
Using reproductive endpoints in small forage fish species to evaluate the effects of Athabasca oil sands activities GR Tetreault, ME Mcmaster, DG Dixon, JL Parrott Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 22 (11 …, 2003 | 115 | 2003 |
Biochemical and histopathological effects in pearl dace (Margariscus margarita) chronically exposed to a synthetic estrogen in a whole lake experiment VP Palace, KG Wautier, RE Evans, PJ Blanchfield, KH Mills, ... Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 25 (4 …, 2006 | 87 | 2006 |
Whole organism responses and intersex severity in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) following exposures to municipal wastewater in the Grand River basin, ON, Canada. Part A PA Bahamonde, ML Fuzzen, CJ Bennett, GR Tetreault, ME McMaster, ... Aquatic Toxicology 159, 290-301, 2015 | 85 | 2015 |
Reduction of intersex in a wild fish population in response to major municipal wastewater treatment plant upgrades KA Hicks, MLM Fuzzen, EK McCann, MJ Arlos, LM Bragg, S Kleywegt, ... Environmental Science & Technology 51 (3), 1811-1819, 2017 | 84 | 2017 |
Occurrence and degree of intersex (testis–ova) in darters (Etheostoma SPP.) across an urban gradient in the Grand River, Ontario, Canada RN Tanna, GR Tetreault, CJ Bennett, BM Smith, LM Bragg, KD Oakes, ... Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32 (9), 1981-1991, 2013 | 84 | 2013 |
Reproductive and histopathological effects in wild fish inhabiting an effluent-dominated stream, Wascana Creek, SK, Canada GR Tetreault, CJ Bennett, C Cheng, MR Servos, ME McMaster Aquatic Toxicology 110, 149-161, 2012 | 82 | 2012 |
Severe intersex is predictive of poor fertilization success in populations of rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) MLM Fuzzen, CJ Bennett, GR Tetreault, ME McMaster, MR Servos Aquatic Toxicology 160, 106-116, 2015 | 72 | 2015 |
Fish community responses to multiple municipal wastewater inputs in a watershed GR Tetreault, CJM Brown, CJ Bennett, KD Oakes, ME McMaster, ... Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 9 (3), 456-468, 2013 | 69 | 2013 |
Substituted diphenylamine antioxidants and benzotriazole UV stabilizers in aquatic organisms in the Great Lakes of North America: Terrestrial exposure and biodilution Z Lu, AO De Silva, DJ McGoldrick, W Zhou, TE Peart, C Cook, ... Environmental science & technology 52 (3), 1280-1289, 2018 | 64 | 2018 |
Molecular signatures in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) inhabiting an urbanized river reach receiving wastewater effluents PA Bahamonde, GR Tetreault, ME McMaster, MR Servos, CJ Martyniuk, ... Aquatic Toxicology 148, 211-220, 2014 | 63 | 2014 |
Tissue Distribution of Substituted Diphenylamine Antioxidants and Benzotriazole Ultraviolet Stabilizers in White Sucker (Catostomus commersonii) from an Urban … Z Lu, AO De Silva, TE Peart, CJ Cook, GR Tetreault Environmental Science & Technology Letters 4 (10), 433-438, 2017 | 61 | 2017 |
Substituted diphenylamine antioxidants and benzotriazole UV stabilizers in blood plasma of fish, turtles, birds and dolphins from North America Z Lu, AO De Silva, W Zhou, GR Tetreault, SR de Solla, PA Fair, M Houde, ... Science of the total environment 647, 182-190, 2019 | 53 | 2019 |
The effects of tertiary treated municipal wastewater on fish communities of a small river tributary in Southern Ontario, Canada CJM Brown, BW Knight, ME McMaster, KR Munkittrick, KD Oakes, ... Environmental pollution 159 (7), 1923-1931, 2011 | 51 | 2011 |
Responses of white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) to 20 years of process and waste treatment changes at a bleached kraft pulp mill, and to mill shutdown LK Bowron, KR Munkittrick, ME McMaster, G Tetreault, LM Hewitt Aquatic Toxicology 95 (2), 117-132, 2009 | 50 | 2009 |
An assessment of the spatial and temporal variability of biological responses to municipal wastewater effluent in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) collected along an urban … MLM Fuzzen, LM Bragg, GR Tetreault, PA Bahamonde, RN Tanna, ... PLoS One 11 (10), e0164879, 2016 | 45 | 2016 |
δ15N tracks changes in the assimilation of sewage-derived nutrients into a riverine food web before and after major process alterations at two municipal wastewater treatment plants KA Hicks, HA Loomer, MLM Fuzzen, S Kleywegt, GR Tetreault, ... Ecological Indicators 72, 747-758, 2017 | 40 | 2017 |