Takashi Akamatsu
Takashi Akamatsu
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Cyclic flows, Markov process and stochastic traffic assignment
T Akamatsu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 30 (5), 369-386, 1996
Decomposition of the reactive dynamic assignments with queues for a many-to-many origin-destination pattern
M Kuwahara, T Akamatsu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 31 (1), 1-10, 1997
Tradable network permits: A new scheme for the most efficient use of network capacity
T Akamatsu, K Wada
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 79, 178-195, 2017
Tradable network permits: A new scheme for the most efficient use of network capacity
T Akamatsu
Tohoku University Working Paper [ …, 2007
Decomposition of path choice entropy in general transport networks
T Akamatsu
Transportation Science 31 (4), 349-362, 1997
Dynamic user optimal assignment with physical queues for a many-to-many OD pattern
M Kuwahara, T Akamatsu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 35 (5), 461-479, 2001
Spatial period-doubling agglomeration of a core-periphery model with a system of cities
K Ikeda, T Akamatsu, T Kono
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 36 (5), 754-778, 2012
Spatial discounting, Fourier, and racetrack economy: A recipe for the analysis of spatial agglomeration models
T Akamatsu, Y Takayama, K Ikeda
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 36 (11), 1729-1759, 2012
Dynamic equilibrium assignment with queues for a one-to-many OD pattern
M Kuwahara, T Akamatsu
Transportation and Traffic Theory (Proc. of the 12th ISTTT) 12, 185-204, 1993
Tradable time-of-day bottleneck permits for morning commuters
T Akamatsu, S Sato, L Nguyen
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management 62 (4), 605-620, 2006
A hybrid implementation mechanism of tradable network permits system which obviates path enumeration: an auction mechanism with day-to-day capacity control
K Wada, T Akamatsu
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 60, 94-112, 2013
A dynamic traffic equilibrium assignment paradox
T Akamatsu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 34 (6), 515-531, 2000
A system of tradable bottleneck permits for general networks
T Akamatsu
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management 63 (3), 287-301, 2007
Self-organization of hexagonal agglomeration patterns in new economic geography models
K Ikeda, K Murota, T Akamatsu, T Kono, Y Takayama
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 99, 32-52, 2014
An efficient algorithm for dynamic traffic equilibrium assignment with queues
T Akamatsu
Transportation Science 35 (4), 389-404, 2001
The corridor problem with discrete multiple bottlenecks
T Akamatsu, K Wada, S Hayashi
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 81, 808-829, 2015
Multimodal agglomeration in economic geography
T Akamatsu, T Mori, M Osawa, Y Takayama
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.05113, 2019
Commuter’s benefit evaluation of train scheduling by network user equilibrium model
H Ieda, T Akamatsu, J Takagi, H Hatakenaka
Infrastructure Planning Review 6, 177-184, 1988
Maximum network capacity problem under the transportation equilibrium assignment
T Akamatsu, O Miyawaki
Infrastructure Planning Review 12, 719-729, 1995
A study on transferability of parameters of railway commuter’s disutility function
K Shida, A Furukawa, T Akamatsu, H Ieda
Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning 12, 519-525, 1989
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Articles 1–20