Hiromasa SUZUKI
Hiromasa SUZUKI
Cyber Phyisical Engineerig CIP, Japan
確認したメール アドレス: g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp - ホームページ
Making papercraft toys from meshes using strip-based approximate unfolding
J Mitani, H Suzuki
ACM transactions on graphics (TOG) 23 (3), 259-263, 2004
A role for Id in the regulation of TGF-β-induced epithelial–mesenchymal transdifferentiation
M Kondo, E Cubillo, K Tobiume, T Shirakihara, N Fukuda, H Suzuki, ...
Cell Death & Differentiation 11 (10), 1092-1101, 2004
Metamorphosis of arbitrary triangular meshes
T Kanai, H Suzuki, F Kimura
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20 (2), 62-75, 2000
Subdivision surface fitting to a range of points
H Suzuki, S Takeuchi, T Kanai
Proceedings. Seventh pacific conference on computer graphics and …, 1999
Approximate shortest path on a polyhedral surface and its applications
T Kanai, H Suzuki
Computer-Aided Design 33 (11), 801-811, 2001
Three-dimensional geometric metamorphosis based on harmonic maps
T Kanai, H Suzuki, F Kimura
The Visual Computer 14 (4), 166-176, 1998
Geometric constraints and reasoning for geometrical CAD systems
H Suzuki, H Ando, F Kimura
Computers & Graphics 14 (2), 211-224, 1990
Interactive mesh fusion based on local 3D metamorphosis
T Kanai, H Suzuki, J Mitani, F Kimura
Graphics interface 99, 148-156, 1999
Video scope system
Y Ikuno, T Nakamura, Y Tojo, S Nishigaki, H Suzuki, H Yabe, J Yoshinaga, ...
US Patent 4,901,142, 1990
3D geometric metamorphosis based on harmonic map
T Kanai, H Suzuki, F Kimura
Proceedings The Fifth Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and …, 1997
3D sketch: sketch-based model reconstruction and rendering
J Mitani, H Suzuki, F Kimura
From Geometric Modeling to Shape Modeling: IFIP TC5 WG5. 2 Seventh Workshop …, 2002
Approximate shortest path on a polyhedral surface based on selective refinement of the discrete graph and its applications
T Kanai, H Suzuki
Proceedings Geometric Modeling and Processing 2000. Theory and Applications …, 2000
Knitting a 3D model
Y Igarashi, T Igarashi, H Suzuki
Computer Graphics Forum 27 (7), 1737-1743, 2008
Smoothing of partition of unity implicit surfaces for noise robust surface reconstruction
Y Nagai, Y Ohtake, H Suzuki
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (5), 1339-1348, 2009
A uniform approach to dimensioning and tolerancing in product modeling
F Kimura
Computer in Production and Engineering, CAPE'86, 165-178, 1987
Product life cycle modelling for inverse manufacturing
F Kimura, H Suzuki
Proceedings of the IFIP WG5. 3 international conference on Life-cycle …, 1996
Subdivision surface fitting with QEM-based mesh simplification and reconstruction of approximated B-spline surfaces
S Takeuchi, T Kanai, H Suzuki, K Shimada, F Kimura
Proceedings the Eighth Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and …, 2000
Product quality evaluation based on behaviour simulation of used products
F Kimura, T Hata, H Suzuki
CIRP Annals 47 (1), 119-122, 1998
Species diversity of sawflies in Hyogo Prefecture, central Japan
T Naito, H Yoshida, H Nakamine, T Morita, T Ikeda, H Suzuki, A Nakanishi
Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo, Monograph of Natural History …, 2004
Ultraprecision surface grinding of chemical vapor deposited silicon carbide for X-ray mirrors using resinoid-bonded diamond wheels
Y Namba, H Kobayashi, H Suzuki, K Yamashita, N Taniguchi
CIRP Annals 48 (1), 277-280, 1999
論文 1–20