Masabumi Komatsu
Masabumi Komatsu
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Cited by
Temporal changes in the radiocesium distribution in forests over the five years after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
N Imamura, M Komatsu, S Ohashi, S Hashimoto, T Kajimoto, S Kaneko, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 8179, 2017
Vertical migration of radiocesium and clay mineral composition in five forest soils contaminated by the Fukushima nuclear accident
K Fujii, S Ikeda, A Akama, M Komatsu, M Takahashi, S Kaneko
Soil science and plant nutrition 60 (6), 751-764, 2014
Characteristics of initial deposition and behavior of radiocesium in forest ecosystems of different locations and species affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant …
M Komatsu, S Kaneko, S Ohashi, K Kuroda, T Sano, S Ikeda, S Saito, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 161, 2-10, 2016
Growth overcompensation against O3 exposure in two Japanese oak species, Quercus mongolica var. crispula and Quercus serrata, grown under elevated CO2
M Kitao, M Komatsu, K Yazaki, S Kitaoka, H Tobita
Environmental Pollution 206, 133-141, 2015
Pine wilt disease causes cavitation around the resin canals and irrecoverable xylem conduit dysfunction
K Yazaki, T Takanashi, N Kanzaki, M Komatsu, DF Levia, D Kabeya, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 69 (3), 589-602, 2018
Potassium fertilisation reduces radiocesium uptake by Japanese cypress seedlings grown in a stand contaminated by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident
M Komatsu, K Hirai, J Nagakura, K Noguchi
Scientific reports 7 (1), 15612, 2017
New predictions of 137Cs dynamics in forests after the Fukushima nuclear accident
S Hashimoto, N Imamura, S Kaneko, M Komatsu, T Matsuura, K Nishina, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 29, 2020
Extensive analysis of radiocesium concentrations in wild mushrooms in eastern Japan affected by the Fukushima nuclear accident: Use of open accessible monitoring data
M Komatsu, K Nishina, S Hashimoto
Environmental Pollution 255, 113236, 2019
Migration of pine wood nematodes in the tissues of Pinus thunbergii
JA Son, M Komatsu, N Matsushita, T Hogetsu
Journal of forest research 15 (3), 186-193, 2010
Dynamics of radiocesium in forest ecosystems affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: species-related transfer processes of radiocesium from tree crowns …
T Kajimoto, S Saito, T Kawasaki, D Kabeya, K Yazaki, H Tanaka, T Ota, ...
Mesophyll conductance in leaves of Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica) seedlings grown under elevated CO2 concentration and low N …
M Kitao, K Yazaki, S Kitaoka, E Fukatsu, H Tobita, M Komatsu, ...
Physiologia plantarum 155 (4), 435-445, 2015
Increased phytotoxic O3 dose accelerates autumn senescence in an O3-sensitive beech forest even under the present-level O3
M Kitao, Y Yasuda, Y Kominami, K Yamanoi, M Komatsu, T Miyama, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 32549, 2016
Calibration of forest 137Cs cycling model” FoRothCs” via approximate Bayesian computation based on 6-year observations from plantation forests in Fukushima
K Nishina, S Hashimoto, N Imamura, S Ohashi, M Komatsu, S Kaneko, ...
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 193, 82-90, 2018
東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故で影響を受けた森林の放射性セシウムの挙動―事故後 2 年間の林冠から地表への移行過程からみた樹種特性―
梶本卓也, 齊藤哲, 川崎達郎, 壁谷大介, 矢崎健一, 田中浩, 太田敬之, ...
日本森林学会誌 97 (1), 33-43, 2015
Vertical distributions of radiocesium in Japanese forest soils following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident: A meta-analysis
N Imamura, M Komatsu, S Hashimoto, K Fujii, H Kato, Y Thiry, G Shaw
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 225, 106422, 2020
Seasonal ozone uptake by a warm-temperate mixed deciduous and evergreen broadleaf forest in western Japan estimated by the Penman–Monteith approach combined with a …
M Kitao, M Komatsu, Y Hoshika, K Yazaki, K Yoshimura, S Fujii, T Miyama, ...
Environmental Pollution 184, 457-463, 2014
Dynamics of radiocaesium within forests in Fukushima—results and analysis of a model inter-comparison
S Hashimoto, T Tanaka, M Komatsu, MA Gonze, W Sakashita, H Kurikami, ...
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 238, 106721, 2021
Assessment of vertical radiocesium transfer in soil via roots
W Sakashita, S Miura, A Akama, S Ohashi, S Ikeda, T Saitoh, M Komatsu, ...
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 222, 106369, 2020
Overwintering of Taphrina wiesneri within cherry shoots monitored with species-specific PCR
M Komatsu, M Taniguchi, N Matsushita, Y Takahashi, T Hogetsu
Journal of general plant pathology 76, 363-369, 2010
梶本卓也, 高野勉, 齊藤哲, 黒田克史, 藤原健, 小松雅史, 川崎達郎, ...
森林総合研究所 13 (3), 113-136, 2014
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Articles 1–20