Tetsuji Kuboyama
Tetsuji Kuboyama
その他の名前久保山 哲二
確認したメール アドレス: tk.cc.gakushuin.ac.jp - ホームページ
A generalization of haussler's convolution kernel: mapping kernel
K Shin, T Kuboyama
Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning, 944-951, 2008
Matching and Learning in Trees
木の照合と学習, 久保山哲二
A gram distribution kernel applied to glycan classification and motif extraction
T Kuboyama, K Hirata, KF Aoki, H Kashima, H Yasuda
Genome Informatics 17 (2), 25-34, 2006
A spectrum tree kernel
T Kuboyama, K Hirata, H Kashima, KF Aoki-Kinoshita, H Yasuda
Information and Media Technologies 2 (1), 292-299, 2007
Improved MAX SNP-hard results for finding an edit distance between unordered trees
K Hirata, Y Yamamoto, T Kuboyama
Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 402-415, 2011
Rumor analysis framework in social media
T Hashimoto, T Kuboyama, Y Shirota
TENCON 2011-2011 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 133-137, 2011
A Generalization of Haussler's Convolution Kernel—Mapping Kernel and Its Application to Tree Kernels
K Shin, T Kuboyama
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 25, 1040-1054, 2010
Super-CWC and super-LCC: Super fast feature selection algorithms
K Shin, T Kuboyama, T Hashimot, D Shepard
2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1-7, 2015
A subpath kernel for rooted unordered trees
D Kimura, T Kuboyama, T Shibuya, H Kashima
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 15th Pacific-Asia …, 2011
Mapping kernels for trees
K Shin, M Cuturi, T Kuboyama
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML …, 2011
Flexible tree kernels based on counting the number of tree mappings
T Kuboyama, K Shin, H Kashima
ECML/PKDD Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs 140, 2006
Analyzing temporal patterns of topic diversity using graph clustering
T Hashimoto, DL Shepard, T Kuboyama, K Shin, R Kobayashi, T Uno
The Journal of Supercomputing 77, 4375-4388, 2021
A self-referential equation, f (f)= f, obtained by using the theory of (m; r) systems: Overview and applications
JC Letelier, T Kuboyama, H Yasuda, ML Cárdenas, A Cornish-Bowden
Algebraic biology 2005, 115-126, 2005
A genetic programming approach to extraction of glycan motifs using tree structured patterns
M Nagamine, T Miyahara, T Kuboyama, H Ueda, K Takahashi
AI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 20th Australian Joint …, 2007
Exploration of a large-scale reconstructed structure on GaN (0001) surface by Bayesian optimization
A Kusaba, Y Kangawa, T Kuboyama, A Oshiyama
Applied Physics Letters 120 (2), 2022
Tractable and intractable variations of unordered tree edit distance
Y Yamamoto, K Hirata, T Kuboyama
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 25 (03), 307-329, 2014
Discovering new knowledge from graph data using inductive logic programming
T Miyahara, T Shoudai, T Uchida, T Kuboyama, K Takahashi, H Ueda
Inductive Logic Programming: 9th International Workshop, ILP-99 Bled …, 1999
Truss decomposition for extracting communities in bipartite graph
Y Li, T Kuboyama, H Sakamoto
Third International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and …, 2013
An efficient unordered tree kernel and its application to glycan classification
T Kuboyama, K Hirata, KF Aoki-Kinoshita
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 184-195, 2008
Temporal awareness of needs after east japan great earthquake using latent semantic analysis
T Hashimoto, B Chakraborty, T Kuboyama, Y Shirota
Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXV, 200-212, 2014
論文 1–20