Philipp Kirsch
Philipp Kirsch
Avenues - The World School, Shenzhen, China
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Sex pheromones and their impact on pest management
P Witzgall, P Kirsch, A Cork
Journal of chemical ecology 36, 80-100, 2010
Mating disruption of oriental fruit moth in the United States
RE Rice, P Kirsch
Behavior-modifying chemicals for insect management. Marcel Dekker, New York …, 1990
Control of codling moth in apple and pear with sex pheromone-mediated mating disruption
JF Howell, AL Knight, TR Unruh, DF Brown, JL Krysan, CR Sell, PA Kirsch
Journal of Economic Entomology 85 (3), 918-925, 1992
Codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) control by dissemination of synthetic female sex pheromone
MM Barnes, JG Millar, PA Kirsch, DC Hawks
Journal of Economic Entomology 85 (4), 1274-1277, 1992
Mating disruption of pea mothCydia nigricana F. (lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by a repellent blend of sex pheromone and attraction inhibitors
M Bengtsson, G Karg, PA Kirsch, J Löfqvist, A Sauer, P Witzgall
Journal of Chemical Ecology 20, 871-887, 1994
Genetic transformation of a Corynebacterial symbiont from the Chagas disease vector Triatoma infestans
RV Durvasula, RK Sundaram, P Kirsch, I Hurwitz, CV Crawford, E Dotson, ...
Experimental parasitology 119 (1), 94-98, 2008
Mating disruption for control of damage by codling moth in Virginia apple orchards
DG Pfeiffer, W Kaakeh, JC Killian, MW Lachance, P Kirsch
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 67 (1), 57-64, 1993
Mating disruption of diamondback moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) in cabbage: reduction of mating and suppression of larval populations
JR McLaughlin, ER Mitchell, P Kirsch
Journal of Economic Entomology 87 (5), 1198-1204, 1994
Mating disruption to control damage by leafrollers in Virginia apple orchards
DG Pfeiffer, W Kaakeh, JC Killian, MW Lachance, P Kirsch
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 67 (1), 47-56, 1993
Factors linked to the well-being of'fly-in, fly-out'workers
MA Barclay, J Harris, JA Everingham, P Kirsch, S Arend, S Shi, J Kim
AusIMM Bulletin, 40-43, 2014
A model for the implementation of industry-wide knowledge sharing to improve risk management practice
P Kirsch, A Hine, T Maybury
Safety science 80, 66-76, 2015
Pheromones: their potential role in control of agricultural insect pests
P Kirsch
American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 3 (2-3), 83-97, 1988
Behavioral observations and measurements of aerial pheromone in a mating disruption trial against pea mothCydia nigricana F. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae)
P Witzgall, M Bengtsson, G Karg, AC Bäckman, L Streinz, PA Kirsch, ...
Journal of Chemical Ecology 22, 191-206, 1996
Comparative analysis of coal fatalities in Australia, South Africa, India, China and USA, 2006-2010
J Harris, P Kirsch, M Shi, J Li, A Gagrani, A Krishna ES, A Tabish, D Arora, ...
Potential of a blend of E8,E10‐120H and E8,E10‐12Ac for mating disruption of codling moth, Cydia pomonella L. (Lep., Tortricidae)
P Witzgall, AC Backman, M Svensson, M Bengtsson, CR Unelius, J Vrkoc, ...
Journal of Applied Entomology 120 (1‐5), 611-614, 1996
Behavior-tuned bed bug trap and monitoring device
PA Kirsch, D Czokajlo
US Patent App. 11/703,320, 2009
Vulnerable populations affected by mining: Predicting and preventing outbreaks of physical violence
CJ Bond, P Kirsch
The Extractive Industries and Society 2 (3), 552-561, 2015
RISKGATE: Promoting and redefining best practice for risk management in the Australian coal industry
P Kirsch, S Goater, J Harris, D Sprott, J Joy
Health interventions used by major resource companies operating in Colombia
A Calderon, JD Harris, PA Kirsch
Resources Policy 47, 187-197, 2016
Industry-scale knowledge management: RISKGATE and Australian coal operations
PA Kirsch, J Harris, D Sprott, D Cliff
CIM Journal 5 (2), 79-86, 2014
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Articles 1–20