T. Irifune
T. Irifune
確認したメール アドレス: dpc.ehime-u.ac.jp - ホームページ
Ultrahard polycrystalline diamond from graphite
T Irifune, A Kurio, S Sakamoto, T Inoue, H Sumiya
Nature 421 (6923), 599-600, 2003
Phase transformations in subducted oceanic crust and buoyancy relationships at depths of 600–800 km in the mantle
T Irifune, AE Ringwood
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 117 (1-2), 101-110, 1993
Absence of an aluminous phase in the upper part of the Earth's lower mantle
T Irifune
Nature 370 (6485), 131-133, 1994
Nature of the 650–km seismic discontinuity: implications for mantle dynamics and differentiation
AE Ringwood, T Irifune
Nature 331 (6152), 131-136, 1988
An experimental investigation of the pyroxene-garnet transformation in a pyrolite composition and its bearing on the constitution of the mantle
T Irifune
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 45 (4), 324-336, 1987
Stability of magnesite and its high-pressure form in the lowermost mantle
M Isshiki, T Irifune, K Hirose, S Ono, Y Ohishi, T Watanuki, E Nishibori, ...
Nature 427 (6969), 60-63, 2004
The postspinel phase boundary in Mg2SiO4 determined by in situ X-ray diffraction
T Irifune, N Nishiyama, K Kuroda, T Inoue, M Isshiki, W Utsumi, ...
Science 279 (5357), 1698-1700, 1998
Subduction of continental crust and terrigenous and pelagic sediments: an experimental study
T Irifune, AE Ringwood, WO Hibberson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 126 (4), 351-368, 1994
Experimental determination of element partitioning between silicate perovskites, garnets and liquids: constraints on early differentiation of the mantle
T Kato, AE Ringwood, T Irifune
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 89 (1), 123-145, 1988
Phase transformations in primitive MORB and pyrolite compositions to 25 GPa and some geophysical implications
T Irifunea, AE Ringwood
High‐Pressure Research in Mineral Physics: A Volume in Honor of Syun‐iti …, 1987
Phase transformations in a harzburgite composition to 26 GPa: implications for dynamical behaviour of the subducting slab
T Irifune, AE Ringwood
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 86 (2-4), 365-376, 1987
Iron partitioning and density changes of pyrolite in Earth’s lower mantle
T Irifune, T Shinmei, CA McCammon, N Miyajima, DC Rubie, DJ Frost
Science 327 (5962), 193-195, 2010
A new high-pressure form of MgAl2O4
T Irifune, K Fujino, E Ohtani
Nature 349 (6308), 409-411, 1991
Stability of hydrous silicate at high pressures and water transport to the deep lower mantle
M Nishi, T Irifune, J Tsuchiya, Y Tange, Y Nishihara, K Fujino, Y Higo
Nature Geoscience 7 (3), 224-227, 2014
The eclogite-garnetite transformation at high pressure and some geophysical implications
T Irifune, T Sekine, AE Ringwood, WO Hibberson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 77 (2), 245-256, 1986
Phase relations and volume changes of hafnia under high pressure and high temperature
O Ohtaka, H Fukui, T Kunisada, T Fujisawa, K Funakoshi, W Utsumi, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 84 (6), 1369-1373, 2001
Hardness and deformation microstructures of nano-polycrystalline diamonds synthesized from various carbons under high pressure and high temperature
H Sumiya, T Irifune
Journal of materials research 22 (8), 2345-2351, 2007
An experimental study of the garnet-perovskite transformation in the system MgSiO3 Mg3Al2Si3O12
T Irifune, T Koizumi, J Ando
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 96 (2-3), 147-157, 1996
Phase relations and equations of state of under high temperature and high pressure
O Ohtaka, H Fukui, T Kunisada, T Fujisawa, K Funakoshi, W Utsumi, ...
Physical Review B 63 (17), 174108, 2001
Sound velocities of majorite garnet and the composition of the mantle transition region
T Irifune, Y Higo, T Inoue, Y Kono, H Ohfuji, K Funakoshi
Nature 451 (7180), 814-817, 2008
論文 1–20