Jeongmin Ahn
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Cited by
A thermally self-sustained micro solid-oxide fuel-cell stack with high power density
Z Shao, SM Haile, J Ahn, PD Ronney, Z Zhan, SA Barnett
Nature 435 (7043), 795-798, 2005
Gas-phase and catalytic combustion in heat-recirculating burners
J Ahn, C Eastwood, L Sitzki, PD Ronney
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2), 2463-2472, 2005
Advances and challenges in the development of power-generation systems at small scales
DC Walther, J Ahn
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 37 (5), 583-610, 2011
Extinction limits of catalytic combustion in microchannels
K Maruta, K Takeda, J Ahn, K Borer, L Sitzki, PD Ronney, O Deutschmann
Proceedings of the combustion institute 29 (1), 957-963, 2002
Evaluation of Ba0. 5Sr0. 5Co0. 8Fe0. 2O3− δ as a potential cathode for an anode-supported proton-conducting solid-oxide fuel cell
Y Lin, R Ran, Y Zheng, Z Shao, W Jin, N Xu, J Ahn
Journal of Power Sources 180 (1), 15-22, 2008
Progress in microtubular solid oxide fuel cells
K Kendall
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 7 (1), 1-9, 2010
Properties and performance of Ba0. 5Sr0. 5Co0. 8Fe0. 2O3− δ+ Sm0. 2Ce0. 8O1. 9 composite cathode
K Wang, R Ran, W Zhou, H Gu, Z Shao, J Ahn
Journal of Power Sources 179 (1), 60-68, 2008
Electrochemical performance of silver-modified Ba0. 5Sr0. 5Co0. 8Fe0. 2O3− δ cathodes prepared via electroless deposition
W Zhou, R Ran, Z Shao, R Cai, W Jin, N Xu, J Ahn
Electrochimica Acta 53 (13), 4370-4380, 2008
Nanoparticle molybdenum dioxide: A highly active catalyst for partial oxidation of aviation fuels
O Marin-Flores, T Turba, C Ellefson, K Wang, J Breit, J Ahn, MG Norton, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 98 (3-4), 186-192, 2010
High performance direct flame fuel cell using a propane flame
K Wang, P Zeng, J Ahn
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (2), 3431-3437, 2011
Micro-tubular Flame-assisted Fuel Cells for micro-Combined Heat and Power Systems
JA Ryan J. Milcarek, Kang Wang, Ryan L. Falkenstein-Smith
Journal of Power Sources 306, 148-151, 2016
Demonstration of an external combustion micro-heat engine
JH Cho, CS Lin, CD Richards, RF Richards, J Ahn, PD Ronney
Proceedings of the combustion institute 32 (2), 3099-3105, 2009
Synthesis and assessment of La0. 8Sr0. 2ScyMn1− yO3− δ as cathodes for solid-oxide fuel cells on scandium-stabilized zirconia electrolyte
H Gu, Y Zheng, R Ran, Z Shao, W Jin, N Xu, J Ahn
Journal of power sources 183 (2), 471-478, 2008
Performance investigation of a micro-tubular flame-assisted fuel cell stack with 3,000 rapid thermal cycles
RJ Milcarek, MJ Garrett, TS Welles, J Ahn
Journal of Power Sources 394, 86-93, 2018
Micro-tubular flame-assisted fuel cells running methane
RJ Milcarek, MJ Garrett, K Wang, J Ahn
international journal of hydrogen energy 41 (45), 20670-20679, 2016
Flame-assisted fuel cells running methane
K Wang, RJ Milcarek, P Zeng, J Ahn
international journal of hydrogen energy 40 (13), 4659-4665, 2015
A micro-sized model for the in vivo study of nanoparticle toxicity: what has Caenorhabditis elegans taught us?
J Choi, OV Tsyusko, JM Unrine, N Chatterjee, JM Ahn, X Yang, ...
Environmental Chemistry 11 (3), 227-246, 2014
Investigation of startup, performance and cycling of a residential furnace integrated with micro-tubular flame-assisted fuel cells for micro-combined heat and power
RJ Milcarek, VP DeBiase, J Ahn
Energy 196, 117148, 2020
Rich-burn, flame-assisted fuel cell, quick-mix, lean-burn (RFQL) combustor and power generation
RJ Milcarek, J Ahn
Journal of Power Sources 381, 18-25, 2018
Micro-tubular flame-assisted fuel cell stacks
RJ Milcarek, MJ Garrett, J Ahn
international journal of hydrogen energy 41 (46), 21489-21496, 2016
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Articles 1–20