Kahori Kita
Kahori Kita
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
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Single session of transcranial direct current stimulation transiently increases knee extensor force in patients with hemiparetic stroke
S Tanaka, K Takeda, Y Otaka, K Kita, R Osu, M Honda, N Sadato, ...
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 25 (6), 565-569, 2011
A pilot study of sensory feedback by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation to improve manipulation deficit caused by severe sensory loss after stroke
K Kita, Y Otaka, K Takeda, S Sakata, J Ushiba, K Kondo, M Liu, R Osu
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 10, 1-16, 2013
Enhanced Kapandji test evaluation of a soft robotic thumb rehabilitation device by developing a fiber-reinforced elastomer-actuator based 5-digit assist system
K Shiota, S Kokubu, TVJ Tarvainen, M Sekine, K Kita, SY Huang, W Yu
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 111, 20-30, 2019
Distinct roles of brain activity and somatotopic representation in pathophysiology of focal dystonia
K Uehara, S Furuya, H Numazawa, K Kita, T Sakamoto, T Hanakawa
Human brain mapping 40 (6), 1738-1749, 2019
Influence of stimulus color on steady state visual evoked potentials
L Chu, J Fernández-Vargas, K Kita, W Yu
Intelligent Autonomous Systems 14: Proceedings of the 14th International …, 2017
De novo motor learning of a bimanual control task over multiple days of practice
AM Haith, CS Yang, J Pakpoor, K Kita
Journal of neurophysiology 128 (4), 982-993, 2022
Resting‐state basal ganglia network codes a motor musical skill and its disruption From dystonia
K Kita, J Rokicki, S Furuya, T Sakamoto, T Hanakawa
Movement Disorders, 2018
Aberrant cerebello-cortical connectivity in pianists with focal task-specific dystonia
K Kita, S Furuya, R Osu, T Sakamoto, T Hanakawa
Cerebral Cortex 31 (10), 4853-4863, 2021
Decoding of ankle flexion and extension from cortical current sources estimated from non-invasive brain activity recording methods
A Mejia Tobar, R Hyoudou, K Kita, T Nakamura, H Kambara, Y Ogata, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 733, 2018
Effects of using virtual reality and virtual avatar on hand motion reconstruction accuracy and brain activity
J Fernández-Vargas, TVJ Tarvainen, K Kita, W Yu
IEEE Access 5, 23736-23750, 2017
Motion classification using epidural electrodes for low-invasive brain-machine interface
T Uejima, K Kita, T Fujii, R Kato, M Takita, H Yokoi
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Mutually Adaptable EMG Devices for Prosthetic Hand
H Yokoi, K Kita, T Nakamura, R Kato, A Hernandez, T Arai, I Ikoma, ...
International Journal of Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Computing 1 …, 2009
Real-time hand motion reconstruction system for trans-humeral amputees using EEG and EMG
J Fernandez-Vargas, K Kita, W Yu
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 3, 50, 2016
EMG-to-Motion Classification for Prosthetic Applications-A Self-Organizing Approach with Level of Proficiency (習熟度を考慮した自己組織的動作識別法の構築)
K Kita, R Kato, H Yokoi
Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan (日本ロボット学会誌) 28 (7), 783-791, 2010
A lightweight shoulder prosthesis with antagonistic impact-absorbing hybrid actuation for bimanual activities of daily living
M Sekine, K Shiota, K Kita, A Namiki, W Yu
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 8 (4), 1687814016645982, 2016
A sensory feedback system utilizing cutaneous electrical stimulation for stroke patients with sensory loss
K Kita, K Takeda, R Osu, J Ushiba, S Sakata, Y Otaka
Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, 1-6, 2011
Control strategy for a myoelectric hand: Measuring acceptable time delay in human intention discrimination
T Nakamura, K Kita, R Kato, K Matsushita, Y Hiroshi
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Analysis of skill acquisition process: A case study of arm reaching task
K Kita, R Kato, H Yokoi, T Arai
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 57 (2), 167-171, 2009
Development of autonomous assistive devices-analysis of change of human motion patterns
K Kita, R Kato, H Yokoi, T Arai
2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1, 316-321, 2006
3D continuous hand motion reconstruction from dual EEG and EMG recordings
FV Jacobo, CL Yee, K Kahori, W Yu
2015 International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical …, 2015
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Articles 1–20