Aniek Ivens
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Cited by
Evolution of microbial markets
GDA Werner, JE Strassmann, ABF Ivens, DJP Engelmoer, E Verbruggen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (4), 1237-1244, 2014
Studying the complex communities of ants and their symbionts using ecological network analysis
ABF Ivens, C von Beeren, N Blüthgen, DJC Kronauer
Annual review of entomology 61, 353-371, 2016
Can social partnerships influence the microbiome? Insights from ant farmers and their trophobiont mutualists
ABF Ivens, A Gadau, ET Kiers, DJC Kronauer
Molecular ecology 27 (8), 1898-1914, 2018
Ants farm subterranean aphids mostly in single clone groups-an example of prudent husbandry for carbohydrates and proteins?
ABF Ivens, DJC Kronauer, I Pen, FJ Weissing, JJ Boomsma
BMC evolutionary biology 12 (1), 106, 2012
Cooperation and conflict in ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) farming mutualisms-a review
ABF Ivens
Myrmecological News 21, 19-36, 2015
Host acceptance and sex allocation of Nasonia wasps in response to conspecifics and heterospecifics
ABF Ivens, DM Shuker, LW Beukeboom, I Pen
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 276 (1673 …, 2009
Caste-specific symbiont policing by workers of Acromyrmex fungus-growing ants
ABF Ivens, DR Nash, M Poulsen, JJ Boomsma
Behavioral Ecology 20 (2), 378-384, 2009
Reproduction and dispersal in an ant‐associated root aphid community
ABF Ivens, DJC Kronauer, I Pen, FJ Weissing, JJ Boomsma
Molecular Ecology 21 (17), 4257-4269, 2012
Characterisation and cross-amplification of polymorphic microsatellite loci in ant-associated root-aphids
ABF Ivens, DJC Kronauer, JJ Boomsma
Conservation Genetics Resources 3 (1), 73-77, 2011
The evolutionary ecology of mutualism
ABF Ivens
University of Groningen, 2012
Trouble at the farm: a new case of thief ants stealing the gardens of fungus-growing ants
A Ivens
Month, 2016
A mutualistic network of ants, aphids and gut microbes
A Ivens, D Kronauer
IUSSI, 2014
II. B Ant Course 2011
A Ivens
Forum Formidicarum 10 (1/3), 6-10, 2012
Reproduction and dispersal in an ant-associated root aphid community–Supplementary material
ABF Ivens, DJC Kronauer, I Pen, FJ Weissing, JJ Boomsma
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Articles 1–14