Mehdi Sadeghpour
Mehdi Sadeghpour
Citigroup, University of Michigan, Rice University
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Experimental validation of connected automated vehicle design among human-driven vehicles
IG Jin, SS Avedisov, CR He, WB Qin, M Sadeghpour, G Orosz
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 91, 335-352, 2018
Majority sensing in synthetic microbial consortia
RN Alnahhas, M Sadeghpour, Y Chen, AA Frey, W Ott, K Josić, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 3659, 2020
A toolbox for robust PID controller tuning using convex optimization
M Sadeghpour, V de Oliveira, A Karimi
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (3), 158-163, 2012
Bistability and oscillations in co-repressive synthetic microbial consortia
M Sadeghpour, A Veliz-Cuba, G Orosz, K Josić, MR Bennett
Quantitative Biology, 1-12, 2017
Intelligent control of chaos using linear feedback controller and neural network identifier
M Sadeghpour, M Khodabakhsh, H Salarieh
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (12), 4731-4739, 2012
On the moment dynamics of stochastically delayed linear control systems
HT Sykora, M Sadeghpour, JI Ge, D Bachrathy, G Orosz
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 30 (18), 8074-8097, 2020
Stability of Systems with Stochastic Delays and Applications to Genetic Regulatory Networks
MM Gomez, M Sadeghpour, MR Bennett, G Orosz, RM Murray
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 15 (4), 1844–1873, 2016
Minimum entropy control of chaos via online particle swarm optimization method
M Sadeghpour, H Salarieh, A Alasty
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (8), 3931-3940, 2012
Controlling chaos in tapping mode atomic force microscopes using improved minimum entropy control
M Sadeghpour, H Salarieh, A Alasty
Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (3), 1599-1606, 2013
Nonlinear vibration of a three-dimensional moving gantry crane subjected to a travelling trolley hoisting a swinging object
D Younesian, E Ghafoori, M Sadeghpour
Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering 34 (3-4 …, 2010
Multi-variable control of chaos using PSO-based minimum entropy control
M Sadeghpour, H Salarieh, G Vossoughi, A Alasty
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 16 (6), 2397-2404, 2011
Stability of linear continuous-time systems with stochastically switching delays
M Sadeghpour, D Breda, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (11), 4741-4747, 2019
Tunable Dynamics in a Multistrain Transcriptional Pulse Generator
DM Zong, M Sadeghpour, S Molinari, RN Alnahhas, AJ Hirning, ...
ACS Synthetic Biology 12 (12), 3531-3543, 2023
Experimental validation of connected automated vehicle design among human-driven vehicles impacts on traffic safety and effciency
JI Ge, SS Avedisov, CR He, WB Qin, M Sadeghpour, G Orosz
Transportation Research, 335-352, 2017
Stability of continuous-time systems with stochastic delay
M Sadeghpour, G Orosz
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3708-3713, 2016
On the stability of continuous-time systems with stochastic delay: applications to gene regulatory circuits.
M Sadeghpour, G Orosz
Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE Conference, 2014
Can a finite number of discrete delays approximate stochastic delay?
M Sadeghpour, G Orosz
Systems & Control Letters 116, 27-31, 2018
Kinematics and force analysis of a 6 degrees of freedom 3-UPS mechanism with triangular platform for haptic applications
M Khodabakhsh, M Sadeghpour, S Hassanpour, G Vossoughi
2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 694-698, 2012
Stochastic Modelling for Systems Biology
M Sadeghpour
SIAM REVIEW 62 (1), 293-294, 2020
Stability of Systems with Stochastic Delay
M Sadeghpour
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Articles 1–20