Seppo P. Ahlfors
Seppo P. Ahlfors
Massachusetts General Hospital
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Parieto-occipital∼ 1 0Hz activity reflects anticipatory state of visual attention mechanisms
JJ Foxe, GV Simpson, SP Ahlfors
Neuroreport 9 (17), 3929-3933, 1998
Assessing and improving the spatial accuracy in MEG source localization by depth-weighted minimum-norm estimates
FH Lin, T Witzel, SP Ahlfors, SM Stufflebeam, JW Belliveau, ...
Neuroimage 31 (1), 160-171, 2006
Sensitivity of MEG and EEG to source orientation
SP Ahlfors, J Han, JW Belliveau, MS Hämäläinen
Brain topography 23, 227-232, 2010
Spatiotemporal activity of a cortical network for processing visual motion revealed by MEG and fMRI
SP Ahlfors, GV Simpson, AM Dale, JW Belliveau, AK Liu, A Korvenoja, ...
Journal of Neurophysiology 82 (5), 2545-2555, 1999
Mapping the signal‐to‐noise‐ratios of cortical sources in magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography
DM Goldenholz, SP Ahlfors, MS Hämäläinen, D Sharon, M Ishitobi, ...
Human brain mapping 30 (4), 1077-1086, 2009
Early (M170) activation of face-specific cortex by face-like objects
N Hadjikhani, K Kveraga, P Naik, SP Ahlfors
Neuroreport 20 (4), 403-407, 2009
Developmental neural networks in children performing a Categorical N-Back Task
KT Ciesielski, PG Lesnik, RL Savoy, EP Grant, SP Ahlfors
Neuroimage 33 (3), 980-990, 2006
The value of multichannel MEG and EEG in the presurgical evaluation of 70 epilepsy patients
S Knake, E Halgren, H Shiraishi, K Hara, HM Hamer, PE Grant, VA Carr, ...
Epilepsy research 69 (1), 80-86, 2006
Lexical influences on speech perception: a Granger causality analysis of MEG and EEG source estimates
DW Gow Jr, JA Segawa, SP Ahlfors, FH Lin
Neuroimage 43 (3), 614-623, 2008
Magnetoencephalographic 10-Hz rhythm from the human auditory cortex
J Tiihonen, R Hari, M Kajola, J Karhu, S Ahlfors, S Tissari
Neuroscience letters 129 (2), 303-305, 1991
Cancellation of EEG and MEG signals generated by extended and distributed sources
SP Ahlfors, J Han, FH Lin, T Witzel, JW Belliveau, MS Hämäläinen, ...
Human brain mapping 31 (1), 140-149, 2010
Dynamic magnetic resonance inverse imaging of human brain function
FH Lin, LL Wald, SP Ahlfors, MS Hämäläinen, KK Kwong, JW Belliveau
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2006
Cortical origin of middle-latency auditory evoked responses in man
M Pelizzone, R Hari, JP Mäkelä, J Huttunen, S Ahlfors, M Hämäläinen
Neuroscience letters 82 (3), 303-307, 1987
Attention-driven auditory cortex short-term plasticity helps segregate relevant sounds from noise
J Ahveninen, M Hämäläinen, IP Jääskeläinen, SP Ahlfors, S Huang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (10), 4182-4187, 2011
Combining fMRI with EEG and MEG in order to relate patterns of brain activity to cognition
WJ Freeman, SP Ahlfors, V Menon
International journal of psychophysiology 73 (1), 43-52, 2009
Large‐area low‐noise seven‐channel dc SQUID magnetometer for brain research
J Knuutila, S Ahlfors, A Ahonen, J Hällström, M Kajola, OV Lounasmaa, ...
Review of scientific instruments 58 (11), 2145-2156, 1987
Estimates of visually evoked cortical currents
SP Ahlfors, RJ Ilmoniemi, MS Hämäläinen
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology 82 (3), 225-236, 1992
Geometrical interpretation of fMRI-guided MEG/EEG inverse estimates
SP Ahlfors, GV Simpson
NeuroImage 22 (1), 323-332, 2004
Clinical applications of magnetoencephalography
SM Stufflebeam, N Tanaka, SP Ahlfors
Human brain mapping 30 (6), 1813-1823, 2009
Transformation of multichannel magnetocardiographic signals to standard grid form
J Numminen, S Ahlfors, R Ilmoniemi, J Montonen, J Nenonen
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 42 (1), 72-78, 2002
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Articles 1–20